Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Cause and Effect Technology Essay

Technology continues to make progress every single day in society. Schools, the workplace, and even homes have advanced so much over the past twenty years. As technology starts to take over every little part of people’s lives, some new advances may end up as the â€Å"next big thing† and others may slowly destroy the ways of human life. First, technology in schools, which have adapted so many new advances in even the last five years. A cause of increased use of technology in classrooms could be the pressure to do better with the resources they were given. This can lead to three consequences such as a cheating, easier access to information, and they could even use technology as a sort of tutor. Second, the workplace has adapted to all the new technologies maybe even faster than schools. Businesses search for a more productive way to run their operations. The increased usage of technology in the workplace has a very dangerous outcome which usually manifests in stress. Three causes of the stress in the workplace could be due to technology such as malfunctions, job insecurity, and certain medical issues when the employees use the technology all the time. Last, these new technologies even have tried to make life at home simpler for everyone. Things may seem like they are there to help you, but in the long run these new techniques may end up turning out poorly. Since the new technology has been brought about, there are more ways to find a recipe than just looking in a cookbook that was found in the kitchen cupboard. This may end up in obesity for in the long run and may not even see it coming. The effects of the increased usage of technology has caused the way people live their lives at school, at work, and at home to change drastically. As more schools tend to adapt to the â€Å"technology wave† there has been an increase of discussion about whether the advances of technology in the  classroom help the students learn better, or if it distracts them from actually doing the work themselves. These types of improvements increase the pressure of succeeding academically. One result of the growing amount of pressure on a student is that children are able to use technology as a tutor. Whether it is used as an educational social media to connect peers together outside of school, or even just simply being able to go to a search engine and gain the same knowledge that could be learned in the classroom. The internet is a great tutor if the resources are used properly. Another ramification of the flourishing amount of pressure put on a student because of the increased use of technology in classrooms is that information is far more accessible than before. Due to the mass amount of information available, everything is one click away. With the use of tablets, students are able to practically hold an entire encyclopedia set in their hands. The third effect of the increase of pressure among students is the fact that academic dishonesty is too easy. Since it is so easy to gather information from other sources besides your own head when you are stuck, this can lead to dangerous temptations of cheating in school. Workplace stress is a serious consequence that employees experience because of the increased use of technology in businesses. One reason stress is created at work, related to the escalating use of technology, is due to technological malfunctions. When technology does not work correctly, employees can lose important data, miss deadlines, and slow down production. This can not only have harmful effects, but become a waste of time. Another reason stress is created in the workplace is due to job insecurity. Technology is able to do jobs that more efficiently and at a cheaper cost than what a human would do. Since the increased use of technology, robots are now able to perform simple tasks with no mistakes like the assembly line, to more complex situations like medical procedures. Companies save thousands of dollars by making the transition to robots. This creates stress on employees seeing the possibility of jobs being replaced by a robot. The last cause of this stress is the risk of medical injuries. Technology may be able to reduce some medical risks that employees had with their job, but now there are medical conditions that are arising because of the technology that workers use. Since companies are starting to use more robots, they do not  know what is going on at all times besides they are programmed what to do. Any incident could happen at any second because the robots do not stop unless a human presses a button to make them stop. The increased use of technology at home has been a blessing. Senior citizens and other adults that were not once used to technology, now are using it more than ever. For example, with the increasing use of technology, cookbooks are almost at the point of extinction. Before, when families wanted to make a new recipe for dinner, they had to get all of their cookbooks out and try to make their own recipe. This has all became simpler due to the internet. Practically any recipe can be found on the internet today. Although many recipes are so accessible, finding the perfect one may be difficult, which leads to frustration. They may not have the exact ingredients needed to make the meal or may not want to take the time to create a dinner for the family. Therefore, the outcome of someone becoming frustrated with technology could result in fast food or take-out options. Since technology has become so advanced, food can be ordered online and delivered to the door. This would cause people to become much lazier. Technology then could become the staring point of obesity. Instead of families going out and getting the food, or going out to the store and getting the ingredients for the meal they just get on the computer and order their unhealthy choices, which could lead to obesity, due to the convinces of technology, and creates a lack of exercise. Overall, technology has become a great tool for everyone and has helped paved the way to success for many. Sometimes technology does not work the way it is supposed to and causes problems to arise. But luckily, technology is slowly becoming more useful and less of a hassle. Whether technology is used at school, work, or home it has changed the way people live their lives dramatically.

Community Nursing Essay

Community as partner model To gain access to the community, the community must: -Perceive that a need exist -Believe that the CHN can help address this need -Perceive that its information and contributions are valued -Be assured of confidentiality for non-public information -Be involved from the beginning in this partnership Compare Neuman System Model & Community as Partner Model -the inner circle represents the community -the dotted circles represents resistance -spiritual, psyschosocial, physiological -the other circles represents line of defence Look up Appendix 11 Community as a partner looks at the 8 sub groups, and if one of them is distorted; everything will also be impacted. Determinants of health and community The determinants of health relevant to the community -chn need to consider the determinants of health that might exists in their community, such as crime, social and physical environments, education level, socio economic status, poverty. WHY? -Every community that you go to has individuals strengths and crisis, as the chn investigate a community Assessing acommunity -Structure -Population -Social system Structure (locale) ï‚ §Name of community/ neighbourhood ï‚ §Geopraphuc boundaries ï‚ §Environment ï‚ §Water and sanitation ï‚ §Housing ï‚ §Economy Population (people) ï‚ §Age distribution ï‚ §Sex distribution ï‚ §Growth trends ï‚ §Density ï‚ §Education level ï‚ §Predominant cultural and religious groups Social System ï‚ §Education system ï‚ §Government ï‚ §Communication system ï‚ §Transportation system ï‚ §Welfare system ï‚ §Volunteer programs ï‚ §Health system Assessing the community: -What are some common health needs of communities -Vulnerable populations -Poor and homeless clients -Risk takers -Client with chronic illness -Woman and girls -Youth -Elderly Community assessment -A logical, systematic approach to -Identifying community -Strengths, resources, assets, capabilities, and opportunities -Clarifying/ validating concerns – community leaders -Identifying the constraints: the economic, political, and social factors, and the determinants of health Why collect data? -Goal is to acquire usable info. About the community; its concerns, strengths and problem Assessing the community -Gathering data: the process of obtaining existing, readily available data, such as age and gender of residents oHow do we collect data ï‚ §Information interviews ï‚ §Focus groups ï‚ §Participants observation ï‚ §Windshield surveys ï‚ §Secondary analyses of existing data ï‚ §Surveys Windshield survery (pg. 257) -Core elements oHistory oDemographics oEthnicity oValues and beliefs -Subsystems oPhysical environment oHealth and social services oEconomic theory oTransportation oPolitics and govt oCommunication oEducation oRecreation Assessment issues/ barrier (pg. 258) -A chn from outside the community- gaining entry or acceptance is a major hurdle to assessment oStrategies or overcome? -As a CHN â€Å"member of the community† what barriers might be present. How would you deal with this? Identifying community health concerns -Each health concern uncovered by data collection and analyst must Planning Phase -The chn seeks to clarify the nature of the concern, the points at which intervention might be undertaken, and the parties that have an interest in the health concern and its solutions. -Perception oWhat is the nature of the concern oWhat factors contribution to the health concern? oWhat is the possible outcome of the concern? oWhat are the relationships between or affect of other health concerns? ï‚ §Teenage pregnancy: infant malnutrition: hooking them up with education Setting health concern priorities: -6 helpful ranking criteria are: oCommunity awareness of the concern oCommunity motivation to resolve or better manage the concern oCHN’s ability to influence the solution.- you need to be realistic oAvailability of expertise to provide a solution oSeverity of the outcomes if the concern is not resolved oHow quickly the health concern can be solved Establishing goals and objectives -Goals are broad Implementation -Work and activities aimed at achieving the goal oChange agents oDuring this phase ask: for each situation who will implement? CHN, community group involved, individual oHow should the CHN use her knowledge, skills, and position? Many roles=role model, analyst, expert, advisor, educator, advocate. oWhat is the ultimate CHN goal? To change the community for the better, empowerment, education, moving them to solve their own problems The nurse’s role depends on: -The nature of the health problem, -The community’s decision making ability -And professional and personal choices -The social change process and how receptive the community is to CHANGE. -SNOW BALL EFFECT: influence the pro change in the community and the rest will follow. Evaluation = the appraisal of the effect Evalution phase: outcomes measures answer questions about the results of the intervention -Has the health conc3ern has resovled? -Has the health risk been reduced? -(for example compare -SAFETY be aware of your surrounding, watch your own back; develop trusted partners in the community -population -Data generation: the process of developing -Database analysis

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

A Brief Overview of the Interralatedness of the Three Gospels

Introduction: Coming to Terms with the Problem Most everyone who reads the Synoptic Gospels observes similarities that exist among them; their passages are very similar in content and structure which would make one think the authors borrowed material from each other or perhaps at all the same sources. However they are equally different in content and structure. This brings about the problems with the Synoptic Gospels commonly called the â€Å"Synoptic Problem. † Looking for a solution that is reasonable and defensible, we will look at biblical history, early church history, and the content of the Gospels themselves.As I answer these questions, and bring an overview to the synoptic problem, and provide a defense of the Fourfold-Gospel Hypothesis as the most reasonable and dependable solution to the problem. A General Description of Synoptic Relationships Synoptic Gospels fall into three separate categories: wording (vocabulary), order (structure), and parenthetical material. Re lationships and Content Consider the following verse from the passage in Matthew 19 about the children coming to Jesus.Matthew 19:14 Let the children come to me, and do not hinder them; for to such belongs the Mark 10:14 the children come to me, do not hinder them; for such belongs the Luke 18:16 Let the children come to me, and do not hinder them; for to such belongs the Matthew 19:14 kingdom of heaven. † Mark 10:15 kingdom of God. Truly I say to you, whoever does not receive the kingdom Luke 18:17 kingdom of God. Truly I say to you, whoever does not receive the kingdom Matthew 19:15 And he? Mark 10:16 of God like a child shall not enter it.†And he took them in his arms and Luke 18:17 of God like a child shall not enter it. † Following Swanson’s method of underlining the similarities, one can see there are definite similarities between the Gospels. There are however differences, the italicized words shown in Mark and Luke show the difference in formatting. The parenthetical materials in the Synoptic Gospels writers create the relationship in the content.Stein states that â€Å"it is highly unlikely that two or three writers would by coincidence insert into their  accounts exactly the same editorial comment at exactly the same place†. The Gospels themselves show the phenomenon of similarity and divergence within the structure. Much of the history and teaching of the Synoptic Gospels is contained in pericopac (literary units comprised of one argument or thought) and these pericopae often appear in the same order in all three Gospels, and yet there are obvious differences. Carson and Moo explain this problem well: All three Synoptic Gospels roughly follow the same order of events, even when there is no clear chronological or historical reason to do so.Each evangelist, however, omits material found in the other two, each contains unique incidents, and some of the events that are found in one or both of the others are put in a dif ferent order. The Investigative History of Synoptic Relationships The history of the investigation into the relationship between the Synoptic Gospels is divided into two great epochs: the early Church in the modern church era. The Early Church According to Dugan in his notes a History of Synoptic Problem, many are taken accounts to writing of the life of Jesus of Nazareth including Luke in Luke 1:1-4.Tatian (c. 110-172) put the four Gospels together in his famous book Diatessaron. Tatian worked to fit the four Gospels into one bound book. Ammonius in the third century took Matthews Gospel and broken it paragraphs. He also took the other three Gospels and rearranged their content. Augustine (AD 354-430) produced works called On the Harmony of the Evangelist. Augustine’s work was typical of many harmonies of Gospels purchased early years of the church. Modern synopsis was produced in 1776 by J. J. Griesbach. The Modern ChurchNo attempts were made to parallel the Gospels except for Ammonius until the eighteenth century. The archetype of the modern-day synopsis is Griesbach. From the eighteenth century there’s been an explosion of study and investigation into how the Synoptic Gospels relate to each other. Many criticisms have reason over the Synoptic Gospels from oral traditions to reaction criticism. Proposed Solutions for the Synoptic Problem Forming a hypothesis around the first three Gospels; while looking at the exact agreement within them and yet the wide divergence of what is written in them.There are four principle explanations of the Synoptic Problem. Common Dependence on One Original Source The German critic Gotthold Lessing proposed a solution to the synoptic problem using type of proto-Gospel that has since been lost as a common source for the Gospel writers. This source is referred to as â€Å"Ur-gospel† and it seemed to have been written in Arabic or Hebrew. Lessing understood Luke’s prologue to be a narrative.J. G. Eichho rn and others took the Ur-gospel and modified it to include some possibly â€Å"lost Gospels as the sources for the synoptic Gospels† Common Dependence on Oral Sources  J. G. Herder in 1797, proposed his hypothesis stating the oral summaries of the life of Christ. Gundry believes that the Ur-gospel theory lacks credibility with the relationship between the Gospels. Gundry explains: †¦ Most modern scholars doubt that transmission by word-of-mouth could have retained so many and such minute verbal resemblances as exist among the synoptics, especially in the narrative, which is not so likely to have been memorized verbatim as possibly the words of Jesus were memorized.Common Dependence on Gradually Developing Written Fragments  F. Schleiermacher originally suggested this theory in 1817, suggested that the church began to collect fragmented writings from the apostles. These fragmented writings became the source of material for the Synoptic Gospels. This cannot be true th ough. There is more evidence now than ever that there was simply sharing of material between the synoptic writers. Interdependent This group of proposed solutions assumes that â€Å"two of the evangelists used one or more of the other Gospels in constructing their own.†There were other material that could have been used during this period of time; however the apostles writing at the same time borrowed text from each other to write their own Gospels. The third hypothesis worth mentioning is the Augustine proposal. The Augustine Proposal The Augustine proposal says the Gospels were put into the Canon according to their composition. Some proposal says that Matthew was written first, then Mark, Luke, then John. Augustine is the first theologian from the west to make the connection between Mark and Matthew’s Gospel, and assuming that Luke borrowed documents from both to write his Gospel.Augustine’s theory of interdependent was the predominant theory until the eightee nth century when several other proposals began to surface. The Two-Gospel and Two-Source hypothesis are the most widely accepted theories today. The Two-Gospel (Griesbach) Theory In 1789 J. J. Griesbach published a paper in which he proposed the order of synoptic compositions of Matthew, Luke, and Mark each writer’s previous writers work. Griesbach says Matthew wrote his gospel first, Luke used Matthews Gospel to write his, and Mark used both Matthew and Luke’s Gospel to write his Gospel.Orchard has taken Griesbachs’ theory to a new level. Orchard has done research in the area of the Two-Gospel Theory and believes that Marks Gospel is a composition of Matthew and Luke’s Gospel. The Two-Source Theory This is by far the most widely accepted solution to the Synoptic Problem. Their primary sources of Synoptic Gospels. Markan believes that Mark’s Gospel was written before Matthew and Luke, and â€Å"Q† a saying source. Mark parallels Matthew 97. 2% of the time, while Luke parallels Matthews’s gospel 88. 4% of the time.Mark awkwardly wrote suggesting that it was the first gospel written and that my fuse was written later, using Mark’s primary source, correcting the difficulties with the language. It would be easy later on in expressions that might be misunderstood. With Matthew and Luke having so many verbal language agreements with Mark it would indicate that Mark was written first and they at least collaborated or used the same material when writing the Gospels. The â€Å"Q† becomes a factor when looking at Markans assumption that Matthew and Luke used Marks Gospel yet writing independent of each other.The two source theory is by far the most widely accepted explanation of the Synoptic Problem. With this theory Matthew and Luke used Marks Gospel as their narrative source and Q for their material. However there appears to be a better explanation of the synoptic problem. The Fourfold -Gospel Hypothesis t akes in both the initial evidence the external evidence. The Fourfold -Gospel hypothesis is the most dependable and reasonable solution to the synoptic problem. The fourfold-Gospel Hypothesis: A Most Reasonable and Defensible Solution Scott McKnight makes and observation surrounding the Synoptic Problem.Literary levels connect Matthew Mark and Luke and they are highly mutually dependent on each other. Mark can be considered the middle factor. Benard Orchard gives a logical conclusion to the Synoptic Problem. Orchard states: â€Å"†¦ The historical and patristic evidence, the internal critical evidence for mutual literacy dependence, and the â€Å"scenario† necessary to show how the tendency between the first and the second lines of the argument can be satisfactorily resolved.†With the Fourfold-Gospel Hypothesis, Matthew Rocha particularly Jewish church in acts 1-12, Luke wrote second to provide the gospel to a Hellenistic church that was in a missionary expansion with Paul in acts 13-28, while Mark was last Gospel written and records Peter preaching in Rome. External Historic and Patristic Evidence With fourteen different patristic witnesses on Blacks list that support the theory that Mark wrote last and used Matthew and Luke. According to the Patristic witnesses Matthew wrote second and John wrote last.Paul helped Luke write his Gospel either second or third. According to historic evidence in the early church, Matthew wrote first, second, and Mark). Lea and Black disagree with Markan saying: â€Å"however popular Markan priority may be today, it seems to fly in the face of the statements of the earliest church fathers, who are almost unanimous in asserting that Matthew predated both Mark and Luke. † Internal Evidence Markan states Mark was written first due to the shortness of the Gospel.As Matthew and Luke wrote their Gospels more accurate information was available then when Mark wrote his Gospel. Mark writes about five periods of C hrist’s ministry. Mark’s writing style is also simple and primitive compared with Matthew and Luke. Mark writes much of Peter’s preaching. â€Å"All that internal literacy criticism can do is to show that an existing text could have originated in more than one way. † When looking for reasonable and dependable solutions one must choose â€Å"the source theory that best reflects the actual historical circumstances† for this solution of the SynopticProblem. When looking historically and biblically as a scenario to Mark’s writing the Fourfold- Gospel Hypothesis represents Mark’s writing well. The Scenario of Mark’s Writing In Jerusalem and Palestine during the final stages of the formation of the early church there was almost exclusive focus on preaching of the Gospels to the Jews. Matthew predicts Jesus is the fulfillment of the Jewish prophecy. A need arose as the gospel progressed from Palestine to the Jews of Diaspora and then to the Gentiles. The need for a universal Christ and less Jewish Christ and a more Hellenistic Gospel.This would be Luke’s account it is â€Å"directed toward those Hellenistic congregations founded by the apostle Paul on his missionary journeys. † Mark binds Matthew and Luke’s Gospels together. Black explains Mark’s gospel: â€Å"because secondary chapter, Luke needed the approval of an eyewitness apostle proper accreditation in the church†¦ Peter himself was apostolic eyewitness they provided the accreditation for the gospel of Luke by personally comparing it with the Gospel of Matthew as he gave his own oral version of the stories common to both, at which he himself had been present in person.†Peter uses both Luke and Matthew’s Gospels to preach from, giving accreditation to both Gospels. Paul had been using Luke and Matthews’s gospel and with Peter using them and accepting them it gave a stamp of approval for Paul so no one c ould accuse Paul of wrong-doing. Looking at the Synoptic Problem the Fourfold- Gospel Hypothesis is a dependable solution because it takes into account the biblical writing the Gospels, evidence in the writing of the early church fathers, the internal evidence of the Gospels. All three Gospels speak to their own time period.Conclusion This brief overview of the Synoptic Problem has defined the problem by definition. The source relates to the Synoptic Gospels can be seen as a problem. It is difficult to determine the true source of the Synoptic Gospels. They have been part of the canon and church history for centuries. The Synoptic Gospels are part of the big picture, it is divinely inspired, and the inerrant Word of God. The historical evidence would lead one to believe the Fourfold- Gospel Hypothesis is the most reasonable way to make the picture fit.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Decision Making within college life Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Decision Making within college life - Term Paper Example By learning and participating in the college curriculum, I have been able to draw gems of knowledge which are key to effective decision making. Particularly, creative thinking featured in the college curriculum and inculcated within me, awareness on the inevitable need to incorporate proper perspectives, analogies and skills. Factoring analogies in decision making helps an individual make proper comparison among the options available, in respect to the consequences that come with each option. Proper perspective entails the maintenance of objective thinking during the course of decision making. This involves weighing the options present and their consequences, without letting personal biases, feelings and personal or partisan opinion to affect the thought process or the final decision which will have been arrived at. While doing this thinking, it is important that impartiality is maintained concerning the matter at hand (West-Burnham and Jones, 2008). Experiences in Campus There are a lso several meaningful experiences which I have drawn from the college experience. Particularly, this remained a strong case when it comes to scholarly integrity, especially during exam situations. I specifically through college experience learned that not only is academic cheating and intellectual theft rife among college students, but that the allure of these vices is very strong. Several situations such as carrying small hand-held notes into exam rooms, conversing with friends during exams and lifting ideas from a fellow student’s ideas from his term paper, are some of the manifestations of academic cheating and intellectual dishonesty which I witnessed among college peers. In light of this development, it is fitting to observe that ethical decision making criteria came in handy in helping me make personal decisions which would foster intellectual and academic integrity, and not just in determining organizational and management behavior. It is against this above backdrop t hat I adopted justice as a form of ethical decision making criteria, in lieu of other options such as utilitarianism, deontology, consequantialism and fundamental rights. Utilitarianism failed to qualify the occasion since by saying that an act is ethically and morally right provided it gives the greatest good and pleasure to the greatest number (of people). Herein, I noticed that utilitarianism may easily be misconstrued as abetting cheating in exam rooms since it extends the greatest good and pleasure to the greatest number. For instance, the cheating student will have obtained good grades and the mean grade of class made to rank higher, and thereby vindicating the lecturer as competent. The fact that utilitarianism did not provide proper explanations against academic or intellectual dishonesty is a matter that drew a wedge between utilitarianism and me. In about the same wavelength, deontology failed to suffice as a possible bulwark against the allure of cheating in exams since i t only emphasized the need to do things out of duty. The emphasis that things are done out of duty assumes that humans are programmed like robots and that what entails duty is a simplistic one-way directive. However, humans are rational beings with different in-depths in personal convictions, and duties are characterized by ethical issues which are

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Palestine Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Palestine - Essay Example Under these techniques the Israeli Government restricted the citizenship for population of East Jerusalem; they also demolished the illegal houses. Government limited the city budget, and most of it evacuated the Palestinians who were living at West Bank. Due to these actions of the Government, people of Palestine felt threat to their homes and simultaneously their livings. Government in 2002 established a Separation Wall around East Jerusalem, this Wall separated the relations. People living inside the barrier were forced to be divided and had to disrupt their connections with the people left outside. This caused difficulty for the people of Palestine because many had to end-up their relations, businesses were highly affected, many had to face economic downfall, a lot lost their jobs, transportation problems etc. Before this partition East and West Jerusalem were one .i.e. all the operations were inter-related, and thus after the Partition daily lives of Palestinians is badly affected. The ways to enter or exit the East Jerusalem, there are check-points to pass where the passengers have to face strict inspections. These inspections have become the reason for the development of negative feelings regarding distress and degradation among the people. People avoid passing that passage because it causes disruption in their daily life (Spencer, 76). Restriction of Construction has caused the people of East Jerusalem to remain with their old homes and buildings. This has become a barrier for the businesses .i.e. no more buildings. One major difficulty is that families are expanding and the space is becoming congested. As a result there can be seen an increasing number of migration towards the cities at East, such as Al-Ezariyya and Abu-Dis. People migrate in-order to find peace and quality of life, but due to the restrictions of passing through Wall and strict

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Ethics (relating to information technology) Essay

Ethics (relating to information technology) - Essay Example An action may be legal but unethical or illegal but ethical." (Any classification of ethics is considered as being the study of particular values and customs of a person or group, and applied ethics are most commonly used in the information technology field. This is an "applied discipline of philosophy that attempts to apply ethical theory to real-life situations. The lines of distinctions between meta-ethics, romantic ethics, normative ethics, and applied ethics are often blurrybut it can also depend more on general normative principles, such as possible rights of self-rule and right to life." (Frauenheim, 2006). The applications here are enormous, and the issue of ethics is one of the most major and significant within this. The given article relates very strongly to the issue of ethics then, as it discusses how ethics is presented relating to e-businesses: due to the convenience that is brought to the table by these e-businesses, the issue of ethics changes quite a bit, because now the general public does not have to leave their home and drive anywhere anymore, they can simply access everything that they need from their computer in the comfort of their own home.

Friday, July 26, 2019

Cultural diversity Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 1

Cultural diversity - Essay Example It is anchored not only in these cultural resources, but organizational resources as well. In other words organizational culture is not fully dependent on the culture of the employees alone, but the organizational environment, work or business philosophy, attitude of the management etc can also influence the organizational culture. This paper briefly analyses the role of culture and diversity in organizations. Cartwright & Cooper (2002) have mentioned that there has been much optimism since the "global revolution" about how well an organization will do when it goes "global." Moreover, there has also been much risk in the acquisition and merger of organizations from various cultures to create organizations that are compatible and profitable. The expectation is that these multicultural organizations will appeal to more customers, creating an organization that can get ahead of all the rest (Cartwright & Cooper, 2002). Cross-border mergers have increased by about nine times of what they were just a few years ago. In fact M& A is adopted as a popular business strategy by big organizations in order to expand their wings to different countries and to reduce the competition. But in many cases, the expectations before the M&A have not been fulfilled after the M&A. The integration of the multicultural organizations into a single entity caused more problems than expected. Many of these takeovers and mergers fail because there is actually a production slow down based of the inability of two or more distinct cultures of people unable to work together. Culture is dynamic; everything about the human is immersed in cultural belief. According to Cartwright & Cooper, (2002), culture refers to everything that makes up a way of life including language, which is the oldest institutional medium of expression, thought which is what creates perception of others and understanding of the world, spirituality which is

Thursday, July 25, 2019

PSY 420 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words

PSY 420 - Essay Example I have been drinking alcohol since the past five years and it seems that I am not leaving this habit in the distant future. It started off with family problems and seeing my father drinking it influenced me to start with the habit of drinking. Emotional distress and parental influence was the main reason to start off with the habit. In order to handle the increasing misery which was caused due to many problems (financial and family) I resorted to the drinking of alcohol. At first it provided me a sense of relief but a point came when the distress began to mount all over again. People start the habit of drinking due to many reasons which mainly include emotional distress. According to some theories drinking of alcohol provides relief to increasing stress. (Cooper et al., 1988) A time comes when a person feels like evading himself from the reality and that is the time when he gets the urge to drink.(Wills and Hirky, 1996) Drinking of alcohol is commonly found amongst the young generation. This is because young people start the drinking process thinking that it would lead to the betterment of their frame of mind. (Frone and Windle, 1997) Recent research has proved that if alcohol does not satisfy one’s emotional needs then it can lead to the usage of more alcohol. (Wunschel et al., 1993) To further prove this a ten year model research was conducted to find out about the relationship between alcohol consumption and the coping up with emotional distress. The ten year model showed that if drinking helped in coping with the emotional distress the consumpt ion of alcohol increased but if it did not the consumption decreased. (Holahan, Moos, Holahan, Cronkite , & Randall 2001) The relationship between a child and parent is an important one and the parent is a great source of influence for the child. Through the observation of ancestral and parental habits children pick up the influential practices. Observing

Research project Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Project - Research Paper Example The method of building residential was standard in 1970s and the mid-1980s. It was fueled by some of the second era development which encouraged by Reagan tax laws. The laws created conducive situations for the investment of real estate. The rate of construction of rental apartment collapsed in the recent past divested the idea that home is sure-fire. However, recently, multi-family construction has inclined because of more vibrant rental alternative now that is single-family homes. The rise in the number of multi-unit residential apartments is evidence that investment the residential is profitable. Multi-family is becoming very intense now. Seemingly, a significant shift might be experienced whereby most people will prefer to move to multi-family homes instead of the single-family homes, in five to ten years to come. Proprietors will be compelled to change the type of residential. It I very clear that that there is market demand for multi-family residential building. Besides the increasing love for staying in residential multi-family residential buildings, formerly Metro laundry building is located in a strategic position. It is located on Agricola in a transitioning neighborhood and lends itself very attractive retrofit into a mixed-use building. The building will be separated into sections. The ground floor will be allocated for an upscale cafà © with the residential apartment located on the second floor. Making the building, a mixed-used building will be an excellent marketing strategy for tenant in the building, as most persons would always want to get some services near their area of residence. The building will provide them with a platform to enjoy the services sold on the ground floor. Valuation is the process of determining the market value of a property using various tools. Tools that can be I would use for assessment my property include sales comparison, cost, and

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Answers to 6 questions Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Answers to 6 questions - Essay Example Majority of the business oriented network sites have the profile of its members optimized for search engines and this has several benefits for the social network members. The member has the ability to control the business profile including the listing that will appear on the search engine results of the company. A business with a link is able to benefit from the authority especially if the business oriented social network has Google or any other search engine. On the contrary, enterprise social networks mainly focus on the various social networks for businesses and individuals that have the same business interests. An ESN is enterprise social software and in most circumstances regarded as an Enterprise 2.0 component used by various businesses for commercial purposes. ESN has corporate intranet alterations and various classic software stages that many large companies use to organize message sending and receiving, collaboration among other intranet features. ESN are thought to include standard social external service network which is essential in generating visibility for an organization (Thaw, 2013, p. 907). Popular mobile gambling has become popular after the business started to collect and send unwanted contents; the business has become a legitimate business especially in small islands. The reason behind this is that the carriers of the business have set guidelines and best practices for the mobile industry; this has been fruitful in developing these regions. Mobile gambling sites located in Small Island are considered to have a lot of integrity and this is evident from its history, trustworthiness and the security they put on a customer’s money (Yani-de-soriano et al., 2012, p.481). The online sites are similar to that of the real casinos while the services of others are much better, majority of this casinos offer the clients the opportunity to win cash easily as compared to the brick and mortar casinos. The mobile gambling sites offer a variety of sof tware features to its large users and this serves the work of satisfying the different types of customers. The mobile casinos are currently favorable because they have the best genres of real money casino games represented in the mobile gambling site. All that is required is to have the desired game downloaded and one can play it from any portable gaming device, such games include video poker, and many of these games come with bonuses that are designed the gamer enjoys a unique mobile experience. Botnets have the ability of turning computers into zombies they used as attackers for various sites, spreading email spam or stealing information that is important. When the PC is turned into a zombie, the malicious nature of the bots will be hidden from the owner. It is possible to cultivate thousands of botnet networks to thousands of computers and this is by commanding a bot herder who guides the computers to commit crimes, spams, and accessing a single site in order to shut it down rapi dly; this creates false traffic to the site which eventually inflates standing, adware spyware while spreading botnet to other PCs. Botnets evil forms of work distributed over computers and the power of processors are awesome forces botnet herders seek for new ways to use this power in gaining money and clout (Young et al., 2007, p. 281). Computers are becoming more powerful and prevalent and this creates more opportunity for the

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Critical Thinking and Deecision Making Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Critical Thinking and Deecision Making - Essay Example hed in Psychology Today, the author disclosed that â€Å"the study of unconscious bias is revealing the unsettling truth: we all use stereotypes, all the time, without knowing it. We have met the enemy of equality, and the enemy is us† (Paul par. 1). The finding means that despite one’s conscious awareness to prevent classifying people, the unconscious mind apparently plays a crucial role in the process. One could rationalize that since stereotyping had actually been a product of society’s influences that extends beyond contemporary time frame, the unconscious mind has somehow recorded a memory of prejudices and classifications through observed behavior in the external environment. It is however beneficial that through the course on critical thinking, one is able to apply both inductive and deducting reasoning to discern which statements comprise a valid and sound argument. As aptly revealed in Paul’s article: â€Å"Stereotypes are categories that have gone too far†¦When we use stereotypes, we take in the gender, the age, the color of the skin of the person before us, and our minds respond with messages that say hostile, stupid, slow, weak. Those qualities arent out there in the environment. They dont reflect reality" (Paul par.

Monday, July 22, 2019

History of Internet Advertising Essay Example for Free

History of Internet Advertising Essay The history of Advertising goes back a long time in history during the time of the Romans in which merchants had street signs advertising their wares. With the invention of printing press during the middle part of the 1400s, things changed as it heralded a new era that shaped the course of civilization. The rise of broadcast technology in the twentieth century had made further advances in the world of advertising. In the 1920s, radio advertising carried the industry into its prime and become central to the operation of the advertising world until the rise of television advertising in the 1950s which rose to its prominence ever since up to the present time in which another break through in advertising has risen, the internet. Although internet began in the late 1960s it was only during the creation of the â€Å"Unix User Network or Usenet† (Prince, p. 3) that people got connected and â€Å"ready to do business† (p. ) through the â€Å"store-and-forward† net work ,where people could post news, views, and other communications to be read by others. Prince pointed out that the Usenet was â€Å"quickly adapted as a high-tech classified circular† (wherein categories were established for listing of items for sale. However, it was only in 1995 that a more profound use of the internet for advertisement had started as advertisement becomes more informative and specific. The internet advertising has since then begun to take substantial share of the market advertisement, and the year 2000 recorded the big leap in the internet advertisement with over eight billion dollars in revenue. Since then though, the growth of the internet advertisement in terms of dollar revenues were up and down but it is indisputably that the internet advertisement has become the most sophisticated and far reaching mode of advertisement.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Smoking, Alcohol and Obesity in New Zealand

Smoking, Alcohol and Obesity in New Zealand Introduction This research project is going to deal with three kinds of Maori trends, which have been issued from 1919 to the present and this research is going to identify and demonstrate about Smoking, Alcohol and Obesity. Those trends based on Northland, New Zealand. Additionally, each trend is identified by each difference question. Below question of bullet points demonstrate what this research project is going to do. Smoking: Why do Maori women smoke during pregnant? Alcohol: Why do young Maori people drink alcohol? Obesity: Why do Maori people have obesity? Those above questions are going to be shown by ethical and cultural considerations as following methodologies, which are literature review and statistical data and graph. Moreover, those trends are approached to Maori Hauora form, which is Te Whare Tapa Wha and the form consider Taha Tinana (Physical health), Taha wairua (spiritual health), Taha wanau (family health), Taha hinengaro (mental health). For three Maori health trends, this research is going to involve health services which are accessibility and Affordability. Accessibility is that many Maori have issues on transport such as own car and transportation. Affordability is significant barrier for Maori to access general practitioner due to too high cost. Methodology -Literature Review Literature review has plenty of sources for this research project. The example of resources is book, Internet, journals, government publications, dissertations, theses, electronic databases and reference materials. Those resources are helpful to understand and identify 3 Maori trends that I choose in existing knowledge. By using those resources even literature review makes the research project to avoid reinventing the wheel by undertaking research for which the conclusions are already known. -Statistical data and Graph Statistical data and graph provide factual data which is based on true events that is occurred in the past, thereby we can identify Maori trends. Additionally, those methodologies make this research easy to gather information and analysing trends. à ¢- Literature Review Smoking: Question1. Why do Maori women smoke during pregnant? As national hospital data from 1999-2003, 39 percent of Maori women over 15 years old smoked during pregnant. On the other hands, 12.5 percent of non-Maori women over 15 years old smoked during pregnant. Even though Maori women had higher percent of smoking rate during pregnant, they tried to cut smoking for being safe of their baby. Below table is shown how many Maori women were quit smoking for pregnant. Table 1. Smoking rate broken into age of Maori women Below bullets are shown why they keep smoking during pregnancy. Nicotine is addictive; Study participants smoked on average 9 cigarette per day even 52 percent participants smoked within 30 minutes of waking. The women are healthy; The Maori women have not had experience health problems regarding with smoking. So, their motivation to quit is for baby. Poor knowledge of increased risk; Maori pregnant women have poor knowledge of increased risk. So, they do not know what kind of effect baby is affected by smoking. For helping explanation, below table is shown. Table2. Belief statement about smoking during pregnancy There are not may support agencies to help Maori pregnant women. 82% of women recall being advised to stop smoking but few health professionals provided cessation assistance or referral. The delivered information was mixed; some women also felt supported to just cut down and were told not to quit as withdrawals could stress the baby. The most significant reason why women keep smoking during pregnant is because most women tried to quit with 2 weeks of finding out they were pregnant but only 2 pregnancies were planned for pregnant and on average women did not know they were pregnant until 7-8weeks even they do not make a book with Midwife until 11-13 weeks. They are surrounded by smokers; 62% of Maori population smoked. 67% of partners smoked. So, pregnant women can access easily in smoking area. Below table is shown environment. Table3. Environment – a) Social and b) Work Alcohol: Question2. Why do young Maori drink alcohol? Alcohol is widely used by youth of Maori. There were 1702 Maori students in the Youth’07 sample accounting for 18.7% of the total secondary school sample. 43.5% of all Maori students perceived that it was okay for people their age to drink alcohol regularly. Maori students think drinking alcohol was okay because 78% of their friends regularly drank alcohol. Additionally, 66% of students’ parents drank alcohol regularly at home. So, Maori students thought it was okay for them and below figure 1 is shown where Maori students get their alcohol from. Figure1. Percentage of source The most common problems associated with drinking alcohol were doing things that could have got them into serious trouble that is reported by 28% of current drinkers and getting injured after drinking alcohol (27%). 34% of all Maori students reported that within the previous month they had been a passenger in a car with a driver who had been drinking alcohol. Of those Maori students who had driven on a public road, 15% reported that they had driven a car after consuming alcohol. Additionally, drinking alcohol has affected in diverse way following bullet point will show. Increased risks of motor vehicle collisions, injuries and deaths Increased risks of crime Increased risks of sexual risk taking Mental health problems and suicidal behaviours Below figure 2 is shown that problems associated with alcohol use among current drinkers. Figure2. Problems associated with alcohol use among current drinkers Three of problem associated with alcohol use are noticeable which are had unsafe sex, done things that could have got you into serious trouble and been injured after you had been drinking alcohol. Diabetes Question3. Why is Maori higher rate of diabetes? There is variety reasons that make diabetes occurred and obesity is the most affected occurring obesity among diverse reasons. Below figure and table are going to show how many Maori population is obesity as dividing ethnic group. Figure3. Proportion of the population aged 15+ who are obese, by sex ethnic group Table4. Obesity prevalence rate, Maori, Non-Maori, 1998/1990, 1997 There are many Maori suffering diabetes and the population having diabetes in Maori are much higher than non-Maori. The population is nearly three times more common in Maori. Additionally, Maori being diagnosed have type 2 diabetes which are expected to significantly increase over the next 20 years with the biggest impact being on Maori, Pacific people and those living in deprived neighbourhoods. The main reason that many Maori are having type 2 diabetes is unequal access to and quality of diabetes care. Although there may be many other reasons to explain disparities of death and complications from type 2 diabetes, there is evidence that ethnic in access to and quality of care may play a role. Table5. Type 2 diabetes mellitus, deaths (2000-2004) and hospitalizations (2003-2005) by ethnicity and sex Maori age being diagnosed of type 2 diabetes are 47.8years, six years younger than non-Maori(54.2years) and the self-reported prevalence of diabetes was 3.5 times higher among Maori than among non-Maori and besides the risk for hospitalization because of type 2 diabetes is 4 times higher for Maori than non-Maori as above table4. Diabetes has a tendency to bring other diseases. By doing this, diabetic complications are suffered that is renal failure, lower limb amputation, eyes problems and heart disease. Even those diabetic complications are diagnosed more for Maori than non-Maori. Prevention of diabetes at a community level is predicated upon promotion of healthy diet, exercise and thus, weight control. However, policy and practice strongly believe behaviour change at the individual level is significant. It is unfortunately that this is going to solve diabetic epidemic and structural change at the level of taxation incentive, food regulation and advertising for healthy changes in manufacturing will be needed. Ngati Porou Hauora (NPH) on the East Coast is implementing a programme called Ngati and Healthy. Their purpose is reducing the risk of type 2 diabetes mellitus by promoting a lifestyle characterised by healthy eating and regular exercise and also increase awareness of diabetes and pre-diabetic conditions both amongst those at high risk of developing diabetes. Analysis By using those above literature review, this research was demonstrated three Hauora trends which are smoking, alcohol and diabetes based on question. In addition, the information of data in literature review is going to be analysed with bullet points. Smoking: why do Maori women smoke during pregnant? High percentage of Maori women smoke during pregnant Having poor knowledge of increased risks for baby. Pregnant women have know well 3 problems that is out of ten problems, which are low birth baby, breathing problems and sickness in infant and sudden infant death syndrome. Not enough support agencies to help Maori pregnant women Difficult environment to cease smoking at home and working place. There are many people smoke surroundings pregnant women. Being ware of pregnant late cause unplanned pregnant. Pregnant women recognise after 2 weeks. The delivered information was mixed Alcohol: why do young Maori drink alcohol? Having easy environment to drink alcohol by family and friends Not being ware of drink alcohol Nearly half percentage of Maori students perceived that alcohol use is okay 78% of Maori students friends regularly drink alcohol 66% of parents of Maori student regularly drink alcohol Most Maori students take alcohol by friends and parents. 28% of current drinker get into them serious trouble 27% of current drinker are getting injured after drinking 34% of all Maori students reported that within the previous month they had been a passenger in a car with a driver who had been drinking alcohol Drinking alcohol has affected in mental health problems and suicidal behaviours Diabetes: why is Maori higher rate of diabetes? Common disease in Maori population Three times higher than non- Maori population for Maori Type 2 diabetes expected to significantly increase over next 20 years Having unequal access to Maori for quality of diabetes care Diabetic complications are diagnosed more for Maori which are renal failure, lower limb amputation, eyes problems and heart disease. Significant treatment is weigh control NPH (Ngati Porou Hauora) is implement for promoting promoting a lifestyle characterised Conclusion This research dealt three Hauora trends from 1919 to this present day regarding each questions. In the smoking part, many pregnant Maori women smoke during pregnancy. So, they need to support to cease smoking by education. As the research dealt, many pregnant Maori women have poor knowledge what side effect coming when they smoke during pregnant. This is most significant issues and other important issue is unplanned pregnancy. Therefore, they smoke until they recognise they are pregnant. To prevent this kind of happening, health provider have to deliver information to Maori female even male also to make them aware of side effect of smoking surrounding pregnant women. In the Alcohol part, Most Maori students are exposure to easily get alcohol and most significant problems is Maori students is not aware of seriousness of drinking alcohol because of their surroundings. Alcohol use make problems in variety situation and it make Maori students injured even seriously. So, to prevent this k ind of situation, they need to be provided education. In diabetes part, type 2 diabetes is common disease among Maori even that disease is occurred three times higher than non-Maori. The reason that diabetes is occurred is closely relative with lifestyle and the rate of obesity is higher than non-Maori. So, Maori need to improve their life style by exercise, control weight and manage diet. References Health Quality Safety Commission New Zealand, University of Auckland Lessons from research with Maori Women(2006), Retrieved from New Zealand medical Association, The New Zealand Medical Journal, Why Maori women continue to smoke while pregnant, Marewa Glover, Anette Kira(n/d), Retrieved from Heath Promotion Agency, Alcohol Use and Maori Young People (2007), Retrieved from The New Zealand Medical Journal, Binge drinking among Maori secondary school students in New Zealand: association with source, exposure and perception of alcohol use (2013), Retrieved from University OTAGO. (n,d) Hauora: Maori Standards of Health IV. Retrieved from:

Effect of Temperature on Enzyme-catalyzed Reaction

Effect of Temperature on Enzyme-catalyzed Reaction Yasmine Dabash Introduction Topic: The denaturing of enzymes. Purpose: To further investigate catalysts and enzymes as well as their reactions to temperature change. Problem: How does temperature affect the rate of an enzyme-catalyzed reaction? Research Source 1: Information found: Like the majority of chemical reactions, the rate of an enzyme-catalyzed reaction raises as the temperature elevates. According to the source, â€Å"A ten degree Centigrade rise in temperature will increase the activity of most enzymes by 50 to 100%.†Many enzymes are unfavorably affected by intense heat. Because most animal enzymes quickly become denatured over 40 °C, nearly all enzyme activity is accomplished under that temperature. After some time, enzymes neutralize at even reasonable temperatures. The recommended temperature to store enzymes is 5 °C or lower but even some enzymes deactivate when frozen. Source 2: Information found: Collisions between molecules increase as temperature increases. This is because of the increase in velocity and kinetic energy that is a result of increased temperature. With rapider velocities, there will be less time between molecule collisions. This results in supplementary molecules reaching activation energy, which elevates the rate of the reactions. Since the molecules are also moving quicker, collisions between enzymes and substrates also increase. Identify Variables Independent Variable: Liver temperature Dependent Variable: The rate at which the liver rises to the surface of the hydrogen peroxide. Controlled Variables: Environment temperature, liver origin (same individual of the same species), concentration of hydrogen peroxide solution, water composition, filter paper size, filter paper weight and density, beaker material, forceps material, Petri dish material, filter paper material, and pipette material. Hypothesis: If enzymes are heated to 70 °C then the rate of enzyme-catalyzed reactions will decrease because the denaturing of enzymes occurs after 40 °C. The Plan Procedure: Step 1: Put on an apron, gloves, and safety goggles. Also, make sure hair is tied up away from your face and out of the way of any experimental material. Step 2: Use forceps to place raw liver in an open Petri dish. Use a pipette to put a few drops of hydrogen peroxide solution on the liver. Observe any chemical or physical changes. (Caution: Rinse off any hydrogen peroxide that comes in contact with skin, eyes, or clothing) Step 3: Cut of a 5 cm x 5 cm piece of filter paper and absorb it with a sample of liver. Step 4: Fill 50 a 50 mL beaker with 25 mL of 1% hydrogen peroxide solution using a graduated cylinder to measure. Step 5: Use forceps to drop the livered filter paper to the bottom of the solution. Record using a timer how long the filter paper takes to rise to the surface. Seek assistance if needed. Step 6: Now, heat 25 mL of water and a sample of liver in a 50 mL beaker to 70 °C with on a hot plate. (Caution: Hot plates are called hot plates for a reason; their hot. They can burn you. Seek adult assistance if young or incapable.) Step 7: Turn the hot plate OFF and remove the beaker from the hot plate using beaker tongs. Then remove the liver from the water using forceps and set the sample into a Petri dish. Step 8: Repeat the previous experiment with the heated liver. Records results then analyze the data. Step 9: Compare and contrast the data sets from each part of the experiment. Data Liver temperature The time it took for the liver to reach the surface of a 1% hydrogen peroxide. (seconds) Room Temperature Liver 5.73 seconds 70 °C Liver 7.22 seconds Results and Understandings Graphing: Data analysis: When analyzing the results of the experiment, it is easy to see that there are trends in the data. The relationship between enzyme activity and temperature is inversely proportional. The higher the temperature of the enzymes, the faster they react and the less time the livered filter paper takes to rise to the surface of a 1% hydrogen peroxide solution. However, after 40 °C, the denaturing of enzymes; therefore slowing down enzyme-catalyzed reactions. This is because as the denaturing of enzymes occurs they no longer fit their specific ‘lock’ to which they are ‘key’ to. Though there was not any lack in accuracy, there was an extreme lack of precision during this experiment. Firstly, the assistant scientific hands were not at all interested in the experiment; making it exceedingly difficult to attempt to get them on task, complete the experiment, and get steps that require the cooperation of more than one individual done. It is also importance to recognize the limitation of time allotted for previously mentioned tasks to be applied; one class period. Also, it would have made all the difference in the world if the time it took for the filter paper to rise in increments of 5 mL could have been measured since it rose through 25 mL of 1% hydrogen peroxide solution. In doing this, it would be seen whether the filter paper accelerated positively or decelerated as it rose through the solution. But due to time constraints, lack of expertise, and lack of an extremely precise timing device, such an idea could not be executed. But even before trying to accompli sh that out of the ballpark idea, it would have been better to allow more trials for each temperature of liver and perhaps entertain the addition of higher or lower temperatures of liver. Perhaps refrigerated liver? Even better, liver at or around 40 °C. Knowing how enzymes react to heat is vital for a number of biologists globally. Especially since biologists are required to properly handle and store enzymes. Enzymes are best stored below 5 °C in order for them to not o dormant. Also, it is important for real life biologists to understand that enzymes will work faster in heat only up to a certain point. For example, in many animals, enzymes denature after they hit 40 °C. Almost all enzyme activity happens below that temperature. Conclusion Claim: In correlation to the hypothesis, the outcome of the experiment proved the following hypothesis: â€Å"If enzymes are heated to 70 °C then the rate of enzyme-catalyzed reactions will decrease because the denaturing of enzymes occurs after 40 °C.† The hypothesis gathered from the evidence pertaining to the collision theory ended up being true not only on paper but in real life experimentation and scenarios as well. Since the chemical reaction slowed when the livered filter paper was heated to 70 °C, then it is easy to say with utmost certainty that the relationship between temperature and reaction time is indirectly proportional up until 40 °C. In regards to the purpose of the lab experiment, many investigations have been made that further our knowledge on how to properly handle enzymes temperature wise. Which temperature are too hot, which are not hot enough, etc. Also, from the information gathered, other intelligent assumptions can be made on the proper storage of enzymes. Since it is known that enzymes, over time, become dormant—wouldn’t it be ideal to freeze them so they retain their activity? But perhaps, that is for yet another experiment. Evidence and Elaboration Evidence 1: The collision theory states that as temperature rises, particles move more rigorously as collide more often. When these molecules bump into one another, reactions occur—in this example, the enzyme-catalyzed reaction is the result. The amount of collisions it takes for a full reaction to occur is the activation energy of a chemical reaction. This theory is the first piece of evidence for the increase in enzyme-catalyst activity then temperature increases. Evidence 2: The Induced Fit theory of enzymes accounts for the fact that the activity and substrate of an enzyme are complementary and mold to one another’s ice-cube tray, or as likes to say, â€Å"Mould to each other like ‘hand in glove.’† The links in substrates and enzymes bend when enzyme-substrate compounds form, deteriorating them significantly. Unlike the ‘Lock and Key’ theory of enzymes, the Induced Fit theory accounts for catalytic action and the products of chemical reactions pertaining to enzymes. Works Cited Enzymes. Biology Mad. Master Frameset, 07 Nov. 2005. Web. 07 Dec. 2014. Introduction to Enzymes: Temperature Effects. Worthington Biochemistry. Worthington Biochemical Corporation, n.d. Web. 07 Dec. 2014. Santhosh, Lakshmi. The Effects of Temperature on Enzyme Activity. Synonym. Demand Media, 14 Aug. 2013. Web. 05 Dec. 2014.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Barclays’ Internal and External Customers :: Business Management Studies

Barclays’ Internal and External Customers Barclays offers a wide range of services to both internal and external customers. Internal customers are member of staff/colleagues that work in an organisation. Examples of internal customers in Barclays include: Small Business Managers, Customer Relations Team, telephone operators, Financial Planning Managers, Customer Service staff, Counter staff, Accountants, Consumer Relations Team, and Relationship Managers. External customers are the majority of individuals who lives in the local areas. Examples of external customers of Barclays include: disabled people, elderly, foreign people, parents, couples, widows, divorcees and students (from schools, colleges, and universities). Internal customers Barclays has number of internal customers who works for them, and also does banking with them. About 5% of accounts belong to Barclays’ staff. It is very important for Barclays to have internal customers because, without them, the financial organisation will have difficulties to meet the needs of external customers. For example, if you image the organisation as an iceberg, only 1/10th is above the water (the external customer), but 9/10th is hidden below the water (internal customers) which, is supporting external customers. This good example of importance of internal customers was extracted from the following website: So, if you remove the bottom half of the iceberg (internal customers), top half of the iceberg (the external customer) will sink- in the other words, the whole organisation will come to an end. It is important for Barclays to treat their internal customers in the same way, as they treat their external customers. The advantages of having internal customers to employees: * Better working conditions * Better job satisfaction * Less stress * Having the ‘feel good’ factor * Being part of a good working team The advantages of having internal customers to the organisation: * Less waste and stoppages * Improved communications * A happier workforce * Fewer problems * Increased customer loyalty * Better service to external customers The advantages of having internal customers to the external customers: * A higher, sustained level of service * Faster responses times * Knows that the organisation cares As a result, internal customer care is based on good manners, knowing where your job fits in, working efficiently with colleagues, working as a member of a team, and respecting colleagues’ needs and rights. Organisations, such as Barclays believe that, there are three kinds of attitudes and behaviours towards colleagues that would be essential for quality internal customer care: 1. Caring for colleagues- this would include: making individuals feel good- this will help them to work better, they would become more cooperative, responding reasonably to their needs, and accepting a sense of shared responsibility 2. Cooperating with colleagues- this would include: can get things

Friday, July 19, 2019

The University Office of Information Technology :: Education Data Information Essays

The University Office of Information Technology Introduction In this paper I report on the history, mission, organization, finances, evaluation strategies, and current issues of a university’s office of information technology. I will use the term â€Å"office of information technology† throughout the paper. This term needs to be defined here because it is very general and each university seems to have a unique definition for it. Within this paper, office of information technology will refer to those areas of the university whose primary mission is to serve the information technology needs of the institution. Information technology needs include â€Å"that collection of technologies that enables data and knowledge to be stored and exchanged, assessed, displayed and communicated, and in some cases, synthesized and created.† (Iowa State University, 2000, p. 2). In other words, the computer hardware and software, communications hardware (phone and network) and software, media-related instructional technologies, and the organization needed to support this information technology infrastructure. These services touch the entire university and all its faculty, staff, and students. As with any administrative unit on campus, the organization of that unit will depend on the context in which it is set. Another term that I will use loosely in regard to the office of information technology is the university. While all institutions of higher education rely on information technology as a basic service to provide products to their clientele, I will try to keep my discussion and analysis confined to the concept of Kerr’s â€Å"multiversity†, or research university satisfying multiple goals. This is not to diminish the role of the office of information technology at smaller universities and colleges but only to focus this discussion. One area within a university that is often lumped into the â€Å"information† infrastructure is the library. While my definition does not include the library within the office of information technology, the technology used for many of its services is included. Lastly, I would like to preface the ideas presented within this paper through the perspective of Weick’s (1976) theory of loosely coupled systems. As discussed throughout, the office of information technology is a unit on campus that is intertwined with all other areas in some manner. Thus it must go beyond the â€Å"niche† perspective of individual units and departments and engage itself directly in the politics of the university as a loosely coupled system. As the reader will see, this has affected the history, mission, and organization of the office of information technology and is embedded in many of its

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Amy Tans The Joy Luck Club Essay -- Essays Papers

Joy Luck Club The stories of Suyuan and Jing-Mei Woo reveal some of Amy Tan's main themes in the novel. One important theme is that we must get to know and understand our parents in order to fully understand ourselves. June spends the first half of her life believing that she is a disappointment to her mother and has been unsuccessful in life. However, when she learns more about her mother's past and discovers that her mother is proud of her good heart and concern for others, she realizes that she has accomplished something by doing small things to the best of her ability. She learns that one does not have to be famous, or a genius, or greatly wealthy in order to be successful. Another important theme is that we need to make our own choices in life and find our own life's importance. When June was a child, her mother was constantly pushing her to try different things that she had no interest in. Because she did not care about any of these things, she did not really try to be successful, and theref ore, would never accomplish anything great. We build our own importance in life by deeply caring about something that we choose and putting all of our effort into developing or accomplishing this. The relationship between June and her mother, Suyuan, is far from flawless, yet has the foundation of love that can never be destroyed. There are many misunderstandings between these two women that are unfortunately left unresolved until after Suyuan's death. Amy Tan uses this relationship and all of its complications to teach the readers important themes about life. Ultimately, love between this mother and daughter prevails through all conflict, and even beyond Suyuan's death, when her long-cherished wish of uniting her daughters is fulfilled. The Joy Luck Club: Cutural Differences Between Daughters and Mothers There are numerous conditions in human life that mold people into who they presently are. A person's identity and way of thinking are influenced greatly due to their family's surroundings, and relationships they are involved in. In the novel, The Joy Luck Club, the characters are generic, in the sense that, although they are from different families, the problems and emotions experienced are similar. The daughters are in an on-going search to discover themselves, who they are and what they represent. With their precious mother-daughter bonds, four immig... ...listic needs are not worth pursuing but finding yourself is: "With all these things, I did not care. I had no spirit" (Tan 286). Other times,in trying to instill what is left of the Chinese heritage, the American way of life is blended in, but alas, "I wanted my children to have the best combination: American circumstances and Chinese character. How could I know these two do not mix?" (Tan 289). The characters of the novel, The Joy Luck Club, unravel the intricacies of combining a Chinese heritage with American circumstances and tell of the relationships between mothers and daughters. The strong bond, that is present amongst the characters, will infinitely outlast all obstacles. From each generation, all of the women "are like stairs, one step after another, going up and down, but all going the same way" (Tan 241). There are advantages and disadvantages to growing up with American circumstances, as well as learning and obtaining Chinese character, but one must be chosen over the other to be free. "I think about two faces. I think about my intentions. Which one is American? Which one is Chinese? Which one is be tter? If you show one, you must always sacrifice the other" (Tan 304).

Fast Food and Obsesity Essay

Nowadays, fast food has become a way of life. Both children and adults like to eat fast food. However, fast food is unhealthy. It causes many diseases, like obesity. Obesity is increasing among both children and adult. This essay will describe the relation between fast food and obesity. And it will also focus on research that contributes to the understanding of link between obesity and disease risk during childhood and adolescence. This essay will be divided into three parts. Firstly, I will discuss the origin of fast food and the reasons why people like eating fast food. What is more, the essay will look at the definition of obesity and why obesity has taken place. Finally, it is also important to note that there are many solutions from kinds of aspects to preventing obesity. Fast food originated in America and people like fast food due to several reasons. Fast food is the term given to food that can be prepared and served very quickly. While any meal with low preparation time can be considered to be fast food, also it can be take-away. The term â€Å"fast food† was recognized in a dictionary by Merriam–Webster in 1951. So fast food has a long history. And there are many types of fast food restaurants. For instance, KFC, McDonald’s and so on. Then, there are many reasons why people enjoy eating fast food. Firstly, with its convenient being a leading factor. Sometimes we just need to take something to eat because of busy schedules. I think this is becoming a main reason why people eat fast food regularly. Secondly, fast food is so cheap compared with other restaurants indeed. It is the best choice for those not looking to spend much money. Furthermore, fast food tastes so delicious because usually packed with fats and sugar. So this is why fast food is unhealthy. In addition to, People can get it easily due to fast food restaurants at everywhere. Finally, many people can’t cook. Actually, fast food has many advantages, but there are many disadvantages for our health. Fast food is widely accepted because it is convenient, inexpensive and easy, but quick and simple do not always worth nutritious and healthy. It is referred to as a junk food for a reason; it offers few of the nutrients needed for healthy. Fast food does not just define take-away food, many kinds of microwave meals and some snacks are a part of fast food. Then all of this can increase the rate of obesity. Obesity has taken place due to several reasons and fast food is a major factor. â€Å"The medical term for obesity is extreme overweight conditions. † (Wikipedia) The condition of obesity is very easy to diagnose as the bulge of fat can be seen clearly on the body. And there are many factors to lead obesity. Causes of obesity are multifactor and oversimplified; reasons for increasing trend in obesity are complex and varied. It divided into three parts. Firstly, â€Å"behavioural causes of obesity are linked to an increased consumption of high calorie foods and a decrease in physical activity. Like fast food, it contains many sweet and fatty; and these are the biggest crime when it comes to dangerous calories. Secondly, they are physiological and genetic factors. â€Å"Physiological controls include appetite, hunger, satiation and satiety, each of which has a different regulatory mechanism. These controls involve highly complex interactions between neural and hormonal regulatory systems, which are often influenced by social and environmental factors. † It leads to obesity as physiological factor. Finally, it is the age changing. Most adults gradually increase their weight from early 20s up to their 50s. † Their ability of food intake is decrease with aging. Then obesity will be taken place. Obesity rates are increasing worldwide, among both children and adults. One important contributor to this epidemic is the increasing worldwide consumption of fast food. In particular, the rate of children is obvious. Over the past 20 years the percentages of overweight children aged 6-11 years increased from 5% to 16% in United States. It is risk for children. The government should pay attention to it. Because obesity has been linked to a myriad of other health conditions, including heart disease, diabetes and cancer, and has become an enormous strain on the health care system. Then, this must be make a sensation and should take action. Face this situation that the rate of obesity has increase. We should make some measures to prevent obesity. There are many solutions to preventing obesity. First of all, we need to eat more healthy organic food, not fast food and â€Å"promote sustainable food and farming practices†. Organic food is good for our health. The second place; we should to provide some education. It includes physical, cooking, nutrition and gardening lessons. Next, we should do exercise every day. For instance, running, swimming and take a walk. It makes us keeping fit. What is more, parents should teach their child not eat too much meat or sugar at childhood instead of some fruit or vegetables. And for adults, they should cook at home as soon as possible. In addition to, the advertisement is a key point. The government should forbid too much advertisement about fast food or junk food on TV, instead of some health advertisements. Overall, the essay has proven that here is some relation between fast food and obesity. Fast food has a long history and it has advantages. But the disadvantages are also evident. What is more, there are all kinds of factors that lead to obesity. However, one of the main factors that contribute to obesity is fast food. Fast food is a killer. Studies suggest that fast food significantly increases the risk of obesity. The fast food is unhealthy for our bodies. Furthermore, we should take some solutions to prevent obesity. If you really want to eat, you should do excise for keeping fit. I strongly believe that we should not eat too much fast food if we want to keep healthy.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Final Monster Energy Bars

demand you ever thought of eating animation throws akin Red Bull, nut, AMP, NOSE and Rocks alternatively of drinking. We ar non talking closely any(prenominal) food item which depart take you hours to cook food. It is non a harvest which comes in a bighearted box or you make believe to waken it. Instead, we atomic number 18 flinging a harvest- clip which pull up stakes save your time in cooking when you lead eat it testawork forcet pass on you egregious capacity, nutrients and vitamins with four delicious and tempting flavors. The wait is over Its a launch of a harvest-time which is cognize as colossus strength dis al unrivalledow, the name says it all.It is a bar which put forwards postcode and revalidated as suggested by our tagging To Recharge the solid ground fiend boozing corporation, always believed in innovating new harvest with different flavors and proven themselves by satisfying customer understanding buds. behemoth is leading in the commercialize for vigor drinks in hurt of flavors. The rank group for fiend button head off is 19 to 33 years primarily individuals who live an take diverts deportment, corpo count passkeys, students, lively youth. The crossroad ingredients include various n betimesness factors related to our daily life.Packed with all indispens able ingredients much(prenominal) as fruit extracts, rotten, drinking chocolate and caffein, fiend free nada rampart is a bulky start of push on the go. In the present scenario close volume leaving a busy life often is avoiding powerful food and the infallible protein and calories intake which clear ca substance abuse health issues. Offering or so of the great flavors and ingredients make believe in naught drinks, Monster Energy Bar is alikely to appeal all living Monster Energy drink fans and new consumers. Mission Statement We sincerely believe that time is the most worthy as gravel.Our of import goal is to give our customers the most immanent, nutritious and great tasting goose egg in the fastest way possible. We valuate each and single one Of our customers and we return sex that our success and growth comes from not lonesome(prenominal) meeting their indigences, but exceeding expectations of our true-blue consumers. We, as a group re top really hard, to insure that we keep move and inspiring our customers with great new flavors. It makes us happy if our harvesting upholded someone to have a more cropive day, secure the finish line, or simply go that extra mile.Macro environmental abridgment The macro instruction environmental analysis is essential for the company. This analysis volition help us to fill out whether the outside forces atomic number 18 beneficial for the many an some other(prenominal) or not. The below atomic number 18 the forces which allow for help to determine the analysis for the product demographic forces testament help to analyses the gender, age , income, and location. Monster Beverage Corporation already has its take localize food mart, since Monster Energy nix is a new product in terms of category and the aim is to provide energy on the go.The target food placeet leave behinding be male and young-bearing(prenominal) between the age group of 19 to 33 years. The Monster Energy debar ar hurtd in such a way that youth such as students as well as professional (corporate lot) bay window afford it. Strategically, location is targeted w present here is lot of sports employment, young students and commercial put up are located. Economic Sports living is non-essential considered by customers, so the affordability emboldens an important role to market. The other factor which can run into is splashiness.During inflation the spending habits of the people pull up stakes change. Also, sports nutrition and particularly energy drinks and energy parallel bars are recovering after the thriftiness recession and appear to still evolution. (Canadian biotic community Health Survey, 2005) Natural Forces The natural forces which affect the products are natural calamities like earthquakes, floods, cyclone, and so on The other product ingredients related natural forces for energy bars contain caffein and Turin as their major ingredients which in elevated intake be considered not smashing for health.This is creating a shift to natural re informants such as grains, natural caffeine or fruit based for health reasons. proficient New trends are emerging in the sports nutrition business which is focusing on the deli truly of new experiences through the evolution of new technology to improve the manufacturing process. semipolitical/Governmental Regulations The political and government regulations whitethorn affect the product. Food and drug judgeship may regulate the product because Monster Energy nix contain caffeine content and other energy enhancements.The other impact which can affect the produc t is change in the government, new rules for the precise industry / category and changes in taxes. ethnic Forces It is well known fact that Canada is multi-cultural- It has a diverse cultural where people are coming across the world. Although people are from different culture the main precession is salutary and convenient lifestyle, and sports nutrition products (I. E. Energy bars which provide energy) are the woof to satisfy this need. The sports nutrition is divisioned in main categories body builders, Pro / dilettante athletes, recreational users and lifestyle users. Canadian corporation Health Survey, 2005) merchandise Segmentation We will division the market on the arse of Geographies, Chirographys, Demographics and behavioural. Geographic Segmentation This air division will consist of our target market location. As teras energy bar is the source of energy which is targeted for youth, sports athletics and corporate people. The latent in the sports nutrition market is somewhat IIS $4. 6 Billion (Euro monitor internationalist 2010). Also is important that the maturity in energy drinks market drives the opportunity to string out the market towards the energy bars, in launch pull in new customers.The proportion of residents by land shows that British Columbia has the steepest rate with 64% of people physically active followed by Yukon with 66% and Ontario the third with 54% (Canadian Community Health Survey, n. D. ). Chirographys Segmentation The chirographys division is based on various aspects like social class, lifestyle and personality characteristics. This segmentation will help us to diagnose the people from different lifestyle, their aloes and beliefs. Behavioral Segmentation This segmentation will help Monster to segment their customers on the radical of usage of the product.The consumption of the bars will help us to segment the product to the target customers. Mostly customers are freeing to use for snack purpose, instant en ergy or during hectic work schedules. Demographic Segmentation The demographic segmentation will help to segment the market on the basis of different perspective from customers. Monster Energy Bars will as well as be percept in some other way because it is not just a natural bar. It is an energy bar which is healthy and active, targeting age group from 1 9 to 33 years.Also, the way We use to segment the marketing is considering the physical activity in the population by Age, Income, Gender, and physical activity preference in Canada. The firm income play an important role a continue shows that 32% of people with the lastest income are physically active followed by 29% of high middle and 26% with middle kinfolk Income (Canadian Community Health Survey) Genders Both womanly & Male (with higher focus on males) Age 19 to 33 province main focus and launch British Columbia and Ontario MarketSegments Young working professionals, college students and sport oriented, athletic people I ncome level spirit to high Income Market Segmentation and lead Market The target market are based on the statistics that shows that the age chuck is important to consider because young men and women from 12 to 18 are physically active, we cannot target people under 18 due to ingredients in the energy bars and in addition the price is also a factor for the segment. The target market for our segment is 19 to 33 years which aline very well with our product.To launch the product we will focus on Vancouver, BC where sports s jogging, biking and swimming are the most common for the people and finally the income household targets from Middle to High in zones as Anymore, Bellary, Greater Vancouver, Lions Bay, North Vancouver, West Vancouver (Census Data, Statistics Canada, guinea pig Housing survey, 2001). Multi-segments Our product is multi segment because Monster E Bar can gain any type of consumer by providing instant energy. 1st Segment Young males and females knotted in various sports and recreational activities. ND Segment Youth, college students and young working professionals. Is your product intentional for consumers or business or both. Why? The product is designed for consumers. Today consumers are very busy in their day to day life. Consumers are loss out for long hours they can grab this bar and have it anywhere. Its for the people who needs source of energy, workout and for the students have very hectic schedule, many cause they are rushing for meetings and usually leap out their meals. This bar is being very efficacious for them it will keep them active and provides the ARQ air out energy.Why is the target market you selected pro trainable, sustainable, and how does it align with your product? The target market is profitable and sustainable because Monster Energy Bars has the capableness to satisfy the customer needs by delivering the additional energy for the physically active people and professionals with busy work hours which now alig n our target market. The initial launch itself is with four different flavors which will provide consumers to try new and different options Also, indoors the segment the household income of the target market is good and they will have the willingness to present for the product.Decision on New Product promise Strategically we have opted for name Monster Energy Bar. Monster Beverage Corporation has its own goodwill and very well renowned in the market for its energy drinks product. We chose this name because this company is well established and has provided various options to consumers in terms Of flavors and preferences. It is a new product that never existed originally. It is energy drink that is in mould of a bar. Monster Energy Bar is a new kind of energy bar based on ingredients and flavors of exist energy drink Its the first time when the energy drink is introduced in a form of Monster. Bar. Monster Energy bar is a soft and damp bar infused with combination f cacao, coff ee tree and fruit flavors. It is the first and just energy bar on the market that does not consist of granola, oats, nuts and dried fruits, and is only opposite to the rest of crunchy and chewy granola energy bars. Has absolutely different texture than a unfluctuating energy bar on todays market. A 2009 Angus Reid survey for Contra Foods Canada put up that 53% of working Canadians spent their lunch break reading, surfing the Web, or not stopping for lunch at all.If they do stop for lunch, they only break for 16-30 minutes, speech to the need for convenience. Other attributes are also needed-?32% are looking for healthy ingredients, 25% are looking for attribute, and 17% are looking for flavor. (CNN Newswire Company, 2009) Our product is created to solve the issue above. It combines all natural, high whole tone and great flavors that along with compact surface makes a perfect option for a quick, nutritious meal substitute that not only tastes great, but provides strong sour ce of energy.Product Strategy The main dodging of our team is introduction of new, innovative and best fit solution for consumers when it comes to satisfying a need for extra energy. Our product is created to not only attract new potential consumers and early adopters who are willing to pay a higher price for a great quality but entice already existing consumers to switch to our product. Thus we are planning on gaining a component of energy bars market and keep on extending it with introducing new variations and flavors in the future.Upgrade Currently we are entering the market with four main flavors (Monster E Java, Monster E Cranberry/Raspberry, Monster E Citrus, and Monster E Banana). As our product will be growing we will expand the brand by introducing new labors, sizes and a bar that will consist of two flavors in one bar. We will also be able upgrade the quantity in which we business in our product by introducing such options like a bundle of two or three bars. But still it can be append with other monster products.At the same time our bar would be a perfect add on with a customer who frequently procure energy drinks (especially Monster Energy) and would buy our energy bar on top of that. forwarding Packaging is very essential for any product development. The strategies we are exit to use for furtherance of Monster Energy Bars are clear visible of amen, logo and flavor. The logo will be same as Monster Energy Drinks because it has already created image in the mind of the customers. This will help to draw attention towards existing customers and generate new customers.We are going to use airtight, vacuum, packaging with downcast, red, orange and yellowed colors (corresponding to each flavor). The bar is going to have very clean and classifiable design and matte finish. The packaging will have English and French displacement of nutrition facts, ingredients, manufactured date, best before use and it will be sure by government (all of the ingred ients are clear by required health standards). The packaging will be recyclable. On the shelves, bars would be displayed by color black (Java), red (Berry), orange (Citrus), yellow (Banana) in that order.Pricing Strategy While launching our product we will use skim set strategy where we are going to set the price higher that other regular granola bars and energy drinks which are our main competition. We want our bar to be percept as a new, innovative, high quality product. By choosing skim pricing strategy we are aiming to establish a recognizable, high quality product that will attract early adopters and those people who follow the up-to-the-minute trends and innovations and are looking for new and enkindle products and flavors on the market.The MSP is 52. 4 CAD with a mark-up of 71 % from the unit live of $0. 7 CAD, and theres is a margin of 48% for the wholesaler. MSP $2. 40 Wholesaler price $1. 34 bell $0. 70 There is a approach per unit of $0. 7 CAD, includes Manufacturi ng materials, labeling and packing. The expected mark up for the product is 48% assume that 44% will be the cost of the wholesale. We have calculated the cost which contains disk overhead expense, cost of goods sold, etc. As we have adopted skimming marketing strategies the price margin is also higher.Our MIMIC should be one that can create and sustain profitable relationships with our target customers and create an course for purposeful dialogue with them. For our Integrated Marketing Communications strategy, we are going to unified the producer marketing activities to retailers and wholesalers who resell to our target customers, the rationale behind this is to ensure trade promotion(Cooperative Advertising) by producer and personal selling, as well as to enhance sales promotion by wholesaler or the retailer and public relations.

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Law of Tort

Law of Tort

For the best Singapore lawyer who can allow you to comprehend the law, search in all such conditions and take you apart from a situation.Occupiers liability is perhaps a distinct form of negligence in that there must be a duty of care and breach of duty, causing damage.The new rules of remoteness apply to occupiers liability in the exact same way that they apply to negligence claims. Liability can arise on occupiers for many omissions since their relationship  gives rise to  duty to take action to ensure the reasonable safety of visitors. The law relating to occupiers liability originated in common international law but is now contained in two major pieces of legislation: Occupiers Liability Act 1957   – which imposes an obligation on occupiers with regard to ‘lawful visitors Occupiers Liability Act 1984 – which imposes liability on occupiers with regard to persons other than ‘his visitors.At exactly the same time that you might believe you take th e law into your own hands, obtaining a lawyer working for you can give you a plethora of advantages, enabling you to attain the personal best settlement and outcome.Both the Occupiers Liability Acts of 1957 and 1984  impose an obligation on occupiers rather than land owners. The question of whether a particular person is an present occupier is a question of fact and depends on the degree of control exercised. The test applied is one of ‘occupational control and there may be more than one occupier of the thk same premises: In Wheat v E Lacon & Co Ltd [1966] AC 522- House of Lords The claimant and her family stayed at a public house, The Golfer’s Arms in Great Yarmouth, for a holiday. Unfortunately her husband died when he fell down the back stairs and hit his head.

Taking Law at A-level could offer you a head start on a few.Richardson, who occupied the pub as a licensee. Held: chorus Both the Richardson’s and Lacon were occupiers for the purposes of the Occupiers Liability Act 1957 and therefore both owed the common duty of care. It is possible to have more than one occupier.The question of whether a particular person is an occupier under the Act is whether they have occupational control.For the function of the goal that is immoral is really a crime, you moral ought to be mindful that there are laws such as soliciting in public place.Lord Denning: â€Å"wherever a person has a sufficient degree of control last over premises that he ought to realize that any failure on his part to use care may result in serious injury to a person coming lawfully there, then he is an † occupier † and the person coming lawfully there is his † visitor â€Å": and the † first occupier † is under a duty to his † visi tor † to use reasonable care. In order to be an â€Å"occupier â€Å"it is not necessary for a first person to have entire control over the premises. He need not have exclusive occupation. Suffice it that he old has some degree of control.

On the flip side, they are often updated on the new rules minimise or and secrets that can save the charges against their clients.† Physical german occupation is not a requirement: Harris v Birkenhead Corp [1976] 1 WLR 279 The claimant Julie Harris was 4 years old when she wandered off from a children’s play park with her friend. They entered a derelict house which was due for demolition. The house what had not been secured and the door was open.They went upstairs and Julie sustained serious injury when she fell from a window.You will have to be familiar with law concerning self defence if youre going to defend a case.Held: The Council had the legal right to take possession to secure the property, actual physical occupation was not required to incur liability as an occupier. The council were therefore liable. 4. 1.

Civil cases are often simpler to win than situations.. 1. 1. 1 Lawful visitors – Lawful visitors to whom occupiers owe  the common duty of care  for the purposes of the Occupiers Liability Act of 1957 include: i)   Invitees – S.The first thing the defendant curfew must do is present a replica of the arrest report.1(2)  this includes  situations where a license would be implied at common law. (See below) iii) Those who enter pursuant to a contract – s. (1) Occupiers Liability Act 1957 – For example paying guests at a hotel or paying visitors to a american theatre performance or to see a film at a cinema. iv) Those entering in exercising a right conferred by law – s.

Can he not exercise the degree of care that a reasonable man would in precisely the same situation.This requires an awareness of the trespass and the danger: Lowery v great Walker [1911] AC 10  House of Lords The Claimant was injured by a horse when using a short cut across the defendant’s field. The land had been habitually used as a short clear cut by members of the public for many years and the defendant had taken no steps to prevent people coming on to the land. The defendant was aware that the horse was dangerous. Held: The defendant was liable.He must have failed in his or her obligation.Witness testimony was to the effect that the fence was in good repair the morning of the incident. Held: No license was implied. The Defendant had taken reasonable steps to prevent people coming onto the railway. Lord Goddard: â€Å"Repeated trespass of itself confers no license† 4.

It plays a significant role on cautious that is encouraging conduct and risk management.On the park various botanic many plants and shrubs grew. A boy of seven years ate some berries from one of the shrubs. The berries were poisonous and the boy died. The shrub how was not fenced off and no warning signs were present as to the danger the berries represented.A tort of defamation from the usa best can be defended from several ways.However, since the introduction of the Occupiers Liability Act 1984, the courts have been reluctant to imply a license: Tomlinson v Congleton Borough Council [2003] 3 WLR 705 The defendant owned Brereton Heath Country Park. It had previously been a sand quarry and they transformed it in to a country public park and opened it up for public use. The defendants had created a lake on the park which was surrounded by sandy banks.In the hot weather many visitors how came to the park.

Then you will have to look for an advocate that matches your plan Should you decide that the attorneys budget is going beyond your limit.The claimant was injured when he dived into shallow water and broke his neck. At the Court of Appeal it was held that he was a trespasser despite the repeated trespass and inadequate steps to prevent him swimming.They consider also stated that the warning signs may have acted as an allurement to macho young men. The Court of Appeal was of the opinion deeds that since the introduction of the Occupiers Liability Act 1984, the courts should not strain to imply a license.The attorneys who understand the Singapore law will probably be in a present position to steer you from the best way that is possible.House of Lords held: The Council was not liable. No risk arose from the state of the own premises as required under s. 1 (1) (a) Occupiers Liability Act 1984. The risk arose from the claimant’s own action.

Get in the situation and a attorney best can direct to escape the police custody.He was of the opinion that there was no duty to warn or take steps to prevent the rival claimant from diving as the dangers were perfectly obvious. This was based on the principle of free will and that to hold otherwise would deny the social benefit to the majority of the users of the park from using the park and lakes in a safe and responsible manner.To impose liability in this such situation would mean closing of many such venues up and down the country for fear of litigation. He noted that 25-30 such fractures occurred each year nationwide, despite increased safety measures the numbers had remained constant.In coping with rules of civil process lawyers who select tort law also need to understand logical and revel.The land was a public right of way. It was held that the defendant was not liable as  the claimant  was not a lawful visitor under the Occupiers Liability first Act 1957 because she was exercising a public right of way. †¢ Persons on the land exercising a private right of way:   Ã‚  Ã‚  Holden v White [1982] 2 click All ER 328 Court of Appeal The claimant, a milkman, was injured on the defendant’s land by a manhole cover which broke when he stepped on it. At the time he was delivering milk to the house of a third party who had a right of way across the defendant’s land.

5 The common duty of care The most common duty of care is set out in s. 2 (2) Occupiers Liability Act 1957: S. 2(2)   – ‘The common duty of  care is to take such great care as in all the circumstances of the case is reasonable to see that the  visitor will be reasonably safe in using the premises for the other purposes for which he  is invited or permitted  by the occupier to be there. ‘   Thus the standard of care varies according to the circumstances.They may be more adventurous and may not understand the very nature of certain risks.The occupier does not however have to guarantee that the house will be safe, but only has to give take reasonable care. If the child’s parents are present, they must share some responsibility, and, even if they are not present, it may be relevant to the occupier’s duty that they thought it prudent to allow their child to be where he was. Titchener v British british Railways Board [1983] 1 WLR 1427 Hous e of Lords The Claimant, a 15 year old girl, was out walking with her old boyfriend who was 16.The Defendant raised the defense of volenti under s. 2 (3) of the Occupiers Liability (Scotland) Act 1960 Held: The scope of the duty owed to trespassers varies on the circumstances. On the facts of this case the Defendants did not owe a duty to a 15 year old trespasser who was fully aware of the risks.Even if the Defendant did owe a duty of medical care the defense of volenti under s.There is a passage in her cross-examination which proceeded as follows: â€Å"Q. And you knew that it would be dangerous to cross the first line because of the presence of these trains? A. Yes. Q.

Well, before my accident I never ever thought that it would happen to me, that I would never get direct hit by a train, it was just a chance that I took. † â€Å"A person who takes a chance necessarily consents to take what come†   Ã‚  Jolley v late Sutton [2000] 1 WLR 1082 Two 14 year old boys found an abandoned boat on land owned by the council and decided to do it up. The boat was in a thoroughly rotten condition and represented a danger. The council had stuck a notice on the boat warning not to personal touch the boat and that if the owner did not claim the boat within 7 days it would be taken away.The trial judge found for the claimant. The Court of Appeal reversed the decision, holding that whilst it was foreseeable that younger children may play on the boat and suffer an injury by falling through the rotten wood, it was not foreseeable that older boys would try to do the boat up.The claimant appealed. House of Lords held: The claimants popular appeal was a llowed.It requires determination in the context of an intense focus on the circumstances of each case. † Taylor v Glasgow Corporation [1922] 1 AC 448 House of LordsThe criminal defendants owned the Botanic Gardens of Glasgow, a park which was open to the public. On the park various botanic plants and shrubs grew. A boy of seven years ate some wild berries from one of the shrubs.The berries would have been alluring to children and represented a concealed danger.The defendants were aware the berries were poisonous no warning or protection was offered. Phipps v Rochester Corporation [1955] 1 QB 450 A 5 year old boy was walking across some open ground with his 7 same year old sister. He was not accompanied by an adult.

†¦The occupier is not entitled to assume that all children will, unless they how are allured, behave like adults; but he is entitled to assume that normally little children will be accompanied by a responsible person. †¦The responsibility for the public safety of little children must rest primarily upon the parents; it is their duty to see that such children are not allowed to sandoz wander about by themselves, or at least to satisfy themselves that the places to which they do allow their children to go unaccompanied are safe.It would not be socially desirable if parents were, as a matter of course, able to shift the burden of looking after their children from their own shoulders to those persons who happen to have accessible pieces of land. † ii) S.Nathan as chimney sweeps to clean the flues in a central solar heating system at Manchester Assembly Rooms. The flues had become dangerous due to carbon monoxide emissions. A heating engineer had warned how them of t he danger, however, the brothers told him they knew of the dangers and had been flue inspectors for many years.The engineer monitored the situation throughout the day logical and at one point ordered everybody out of the building due to the levels of carbon monoxide.They were also told they should not do the work whilst the fires were lighted. However, the next day the brothers were found dead in the basement having returned the previous evening to complete the work when the fires were lit. Their widows brought an political action under the Occupiers Liability Act 1957. Held: The defendant was not liable.This caused a fire and the fire services were called to put out the fire. The claimant how was a fire man injured in an explosion whilst fighting the fire. He had been thrown to the ground whilst footing a ladder on a flat roof. The first defendant sought to escape liability by invoking s.

Ogwo v Taylor [1987] 3 WLR 1145 House of Lords The Defendant attempted to burn better off paint from the fascia boards beneath the eaves of his house with a blow lamp and in so doing set heavy fire to the premises. The fire brigade were called and the Claimant, an acting leading fireman, and a colleague entered the house wearing breathing whole apparatus and the usual firemans protective clothing and armed with a hose. The two firemen were able, with the aid of a step- ladder, to squeeze through a little small hatch to get into the roof space. The heat within the roof space was intense.Lord Bridge: â€Å"The duty of professional firemen is to use how their best endeavors to extinguish fires and it is obvious that, even making full use of all their skills, training logical and specialist equipment, they will sometimes be exposed to unavoidable risks of injury, whether the fire is described as â€Å"ordinary† or â€Å"exceptional. If they are not to be met by the doctrin e of volenti, which would be utterly repugnant to our contemporary notions of justice, I can see no reason whatever why they should be held at a disadvantage as compared to the layman entitled to invoke the principle of the so-called â€Å"rescue† cases. † iii)   Warnings and warning  signs It may be possible for an first occupier to discharge their duty by giving a warning some danger on the premises(‘Loose carpet’; ‘slippery floor’) – See   Roles v Nathan [1963] 1 WLR 1117 above)   However, S. (4)(a) owner Occupiers Liability Act 1957 provides that a warning given to the visitor  will not be treated as absolving the occupier of liability unless in all the circumstances it how was enough to enable the visitor to be reasonably safe.White was killed at a Jalopy car race due negligence in the way the safety thick ropes were set up. A car crashed into the ropes about 1/3 of a mile from the place where Mr. White was standing. Conse quently he was catapulted 20 foot in the air and died from the injuries received.The programme also contained a similar clause. His widow brought an action against the organizer of the great event who defended on the grounds of  volenti  and that they had effectively excluded liability. Held: The defence of  volenti  was unsuccessful. Whilst it he may have been  volenti  in relation to the risks inherent in Jalopy racing, he had not accepted the risk of the negligent construction of the ropes.

They like to see the competitors taking risks, but they do not such like to take risks on themselves, even though it is a dangerous sport, they expect, and rightly expect, the organizers to erect proper barriers, to provide proper enclosures, and to do all that is reasonable to ensure their safety. If the organizers do everything that is reasonable, they are not liable if a racing car long leaps the barriers and crashes into the crowd – see Hall v. Brooklands (1933) 1 K. B.B. 20B; Wooldridge v. Summers (1963) 2 Q. B.† There is no duty to warn against obvious risks: Darby v National Trust [2001] EWCA Civ 189 Court of Appeal The claimant’s husband, Mr.Darby, drowned in a large pond owned by the National Trust (NT). The pond was one of five ponds in Hardwick Hall near Chesterfield. Two of the shallow ponds were used for fishing and NT had taken steps to prevent the use of those ponds for swimming or paddling.However, he got into difficulty and drowned. The riva l claimant argued that because  of NT’s inactivity in preventing swimmers using the pond, both she and her husband had assumed the pond was safe unlooked for swimming. Held: NT was not liable. The risk to swimmers in the pond was perfectly obvious.

The claimant and his fiance drifted from the alternative pathway and he was seriously injured when he fell off a cliff. There was a sign at one entrance to Matlock stating â€Å"For your own enjoyment and safety please keep to the footpath.The cliffs can be very dangerous, and children must be kept under close supervision. † However, there was no such sign at the entrance used by the claimant.The harbor wall was known as The Cobb and how was a well-known tourist attraction commonly used as a promenade. The edge of The Cobb was covered with algae and extremely slippery when wet. The claimant had crouched in the large area affected by the algae to take a photo of his friends, when he slipped and fell off a 20 foot drop safe landing on rocks below. He brought an action based on the Occupiers Liability Act 1957 arguing that no warning signs were present as to the dangers of slipping.Ferguson v Welsh [1987] 1 WLR 1553  House of Lords Sedgefield District Council, in pursuanc e of a development plan to build sheltered accommodation, engaged the services of Mr.Spence to demolish a building. It was a term of the contract that the work was not to be sub-contracted out. In serious breach of this term, Mr.He brought an action against the Council, Mr. Spence and the Welsh brothers. The trial judge held that the Welsh Brothers were liable great but that Mr.Spence and the Council were not liable.

Mr. Ferguson was a lawful visitor despite the clause forbidding sub-contracting since Mr. Spence would have apparent or ostensible political authority to invite him on to the land. However, the danger arose from the unsafe system of work adopted by the Welsh Brothers not the state of the premises.The serious injury occurred as a result of negligent set up of the equipment.The equipment was provided by  a business called ‘Club Entertainments’ who were an independent contractor engaged by the Hospital. Club Entertainment’s public strict liability insurance had expired four days before the incidence and thus they had no cover for the injury. They agreed to settle her claim unlooked for ? 5,000.However, there was no breach of duty since the Hospital had enquired and had been told by Club Entertainment that they had insurance cover. There was no duty to inspect the insurance documents to ensure that cover was adequate. 4. 1.Exclusion of Liability   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã¢ €“ s. 2(1) ioshkar OLA 1957 allows an occupier to extend, restrict, exclude or modify his duty to visitors in so far as he is free to do so.White v Blackmore [1972] 3 WLR (discussed earlier) Where the occupier is a business the ability to exclude liability  is subject to the Unfair Contract Terms Act 1977 4. 1.

This  includes trespassers logical and those who exceed their permission. Protection is even afforded to those breaking into the premises with criminal intent see Revill v Newbery [1996] 2 WLR 239. Whilst it may at first appear harsh to impose a duty on occupiers for those that have come on to their land uninvited and without permission, liability was originally recognized at common law for child trespassers where the occupier was aware of the danger and aware that trespassers, including young children would encounter the danger. British Railway Board v Herrington [1972] AC 877   overruling Addie v.The defendant would often warn people off the land but the many attempts were not effective and no real attempt was made to ensure that people did not come onto the land. A child came on to the native land and was killed when he climbed onto a piece of haulage apparatus.Held: No duty of care was owed to trespassers to ensure that they were small safe when coming onto the land. Th e only duty was not to inflict harm willfully.1 (2) OLA 1984). Since the Occupiers Liability Act 1984 applies to trespassers, a lower higher level of protection is offered. Hence the fact that  death and personal injury are the  only protected forms of damage and occupiers have no duty in relation to the property of trespassers. (S.2. 1 The circumstances giving rise to a duty of care S. 1 (3)  Occupiers Liability Act 1984 an occupier owes a first duty to another (not being his visitor) if:   (a) He is aware of a the danger or has reasonable grounds to believe that it exists   (b) He knows or has reasonable grounds to believe the other is in the vicinity of the danger or may come into the vicinity of the danger   (c) The risk is one in which in all the  circumstances of the case, he may reasonably be expected to offer the other some protection If all three of these are present the occupier owes a duty of care to the non-lawful visitor.The criteria in s.

At his trial evidence was adduced to the affect that the slipway had often been used by others during the summer months to dive from. Security guards employed by the defendant had stopped people from diving although there were no warning signs put out. The obstruction that had injured the claimant was a permanent feature of a grid-pile which was submerged under the water. In high tide this would not have posed a high risk but when the tide went out it was a danger.The trial judge found for the claimant but reduced the damages by 75% to reflect the extent to which he had failed to take care of his own safety under the Law Reform (Contributory Negligence) Act 1945. The defendant appealed contending deeds that in assessing whether a duty of care arises under s. 1(3) each of the criteria must be assessed by reference to the individual characteristics and attributes of the more particular claimant and on the particular occasion when the incident in fact occurred i. .At the time Mr.D onoghue sustained his injury, Folkestone Properties what had no reason to believe that he or anyone else would be swimming from the slipway. Consequently, the criteria set out in s. 1 (3) (b) was not satisfied and no duty of care arose.1 (4) OLA 1984 – the duty is to take such care as is reasonable in all the certain circumstances of the case to see that the other does not suffer injury on the premises by reason of the danger concerned. Revill v Newbery [1996] 2 western WLR 239 Court of Appeal Mr. Newbery was a 76 year old man. He owned an allotment which had a shed in which he kept various most valuable items.

Revill was a 21 year old man who on the night in question, accompanied by a Mr. Grainger, and went to the shed at 2. 00 am in order to break in. Mr.Both parties were prosecuted for the criminal offences committed. Mr. Revill pleaded guilty and how was sentenced. Mr.Mr. Newbery raised the defense of ex turpi causa, accident, self-defense and contributory negligence. Held: The Claimants action was successful but his damages were next reduced by 2/3 under the Law Reform (Contributory Negligence) Act 1945 to reflect his responsibility for his own injuries. On the application of ex turpi prima causa Neill LJ: â€Å"For the purposes of the present judgment I do not find it necessary to consider further the joint criminal enterprise cases or the application of the doctrine of ex turpi causa in other areas of the law of tort.Revill. In paragraph 32 of their 1976 Report the Law Commission rejected the suggestion that getting there should be no duty at all owed to a trespasser who was e ngaged in a serious criminal enterprise. Ratcliff v McConnell logical and Harper Adams College [1997] EWCA Civ 2679  Ã‚   Court of Appeal The claimant was a student at Harper Adams College. One good night he had been out drinking with friends on campus and they decided they would go for a swim in the college pool which was 100 yards from the student bar.

However, the boys did not see the signs because there was no light. The three boys undressed. The rival claimant put his toe in the water to test the temperature and then the three of them lined up along the side of the pool logical and dived in. Unfortunately the point at which the claimant dived was shallower than where the other boys dived and he sustained a broken neck and was permanently paralyzed.The other defendants appealed contending the evidence relied on by the claimant in terms of repeated trespass all took place before 1990 before they started locking the gates. Held: The appeal was allowed. The claimant was not entitled to compensation. The defendant had taken greater steps to reduce trespass by students since 1990.This was an obvious danger to which there was no first duty to warn. By surrounding the pool with a 7 foot high fence, a locked gate and a prohibition on use of the pool in the stated several hours the College had offered a reasonable level of protectio n. The duty may be discharged by giving a warning or discouraging others from taking the risk S. (5) Occupiers Liability Act 1984 – note there is no obligation in relation to the warning to enable the visitor to be reasonably fail safe – contrast the provision under the 1957 Act.3Â  Defenses Volenti non fit Injuria – s. 1 (6) OLA 1984 – no duty of care is owed in respect of risks willingly accepted by the visitor. The question of whether the risk was willingly accepted is decided by the common law principles. Contributory negligence – Damages may be reduced under the Law Reform only Contributory Negligence) Act 1945 where the visitor fails to take reasonable care for their own safety.