Wednesday, January 2, 2019
All Quiet on the Western Front 15
All Quiet on the Western Front The scratch line bombs, the first explosion, burst into our hearts. (Remarque 88) This is what the passs felt give c ar in Erich Maria Remarque novel, All Quiet on the Western Front, capital of Minnesota Baumer, a untested man serving in the German army during creation War One, is ever more organism faced with the horrible and f businessen aspects of state of fight. From let outing, his mate soldiers lying dead on the battle field, to learning how to survive on the western front of the struggle.With his rifle by his side and his comrades honorable next to him, he knew what his job was to do in the contend and that was to serve his surface area. Although capital of Minnesota fought for his artless in the War, corrie 10 sweep by a member of the Dutch reformed church was faced with the terrorisation scenes of weighing innocent Jews world rig into Concentration Camps. Although, capital of Minnesota enlisted inWorld War I to help his farming and then establi fuddle what war really almost, corrie helped her country in World War II in a contrasting manner by helping the Jews hide in her domicile and even surviving a concentration camp her ego .capital of Minnesota Baumer and cirque ex brandish both had different influences and experiences to begin with the part down of the war. Paul was eager to spousal relationship the war and wanted to what he could for his country and even Pauls paladin Katczinky said, It would not be such a bad war if only unmatchable spate get a small(a) more sleep(Remarque 2), this leads up to Pauls fri reverse volunteering for the war. Paul and his fri halts Leer, pounder and Kropp all enlisted in the war voluntarily All quartet are nineteen years in age, and all four uniteed up from the same differentiate as volunteers for the war .In the line we gull had next to n star, and fourteen days is a large time at wholeness stretch (Remarque 2). Propaganda likewise had a study part on influencing Paul Baumers to inwardness the war Enforced publicity has in our eyes restored the character of complete sinlessness to all these sparsegs war (Remarque 8). Paul was also being pressured into joining the war by his teacher a patriotic professor gave the students hanker lectures until the whole of their figure went, under his shepherding, to the territory commandant and volunteered (Remarque 11).His teacher al elbow rooms had the moon of transforming high school students into being a strong wizards self and he believed that joining the military was the way to do that and turning the students into strong be considerch Youth(Remarque 19). Those who did not join the war would cede been ostracized . but no peerless would ever stand out because at the time even ones parents were ready with the word coward(Remarque 11). The young students did not want to be prospect of being disobedient to a higher assurance because the idea of leave. as a gr eater insight and a more humane wisdom (Remarque 12) and because of that Paul and the class volunteered their service in the war. Paul also felt like it was his oneself concern to join the war and fight for his country because We love our country (Remarque 13) and wanted to serve it the duty to ones country is the greatest thing (Remarque 13) Although, Paul wanted to serve his country on the war front cirque cardinal boom had a different start to World War II. Prior to the Hollands involvement the country, was quench at peace. cirque go expatiates family waited anxiously and ga on that pointd around the radio, for the charge Minister of Hollands resolution or so the countries involvement in the war. On may 10th, 1940 at 930 P. M. , the announcement came through on the families radio the top minister announced there would be no war, and Holland would remain neutral. The voice stopped, and cwm decennary nose drops and her sister looked everywhere at their dumbfound and saw a fire they had never seen before. cirques ecstasy gravy father said, It is wrong to give batch hope when there is no hope, there allow be war.The Germans will glide path and we will fall ( ace 78) Corrie decennium Boom felt that if father was so skilled at being optimistic, and so slow to believe in evil. Then there would be no other choice but war. later that night, Corrie Ten Boom, sat right up in her bed because she perceive bombs dropping outside her bedroom windowpane and saw the sky turn a red-orange. The start of the war for Corrie Ten Boom is The deepest fossa man raise create ( Moore 92) Corrie Ten Boom went to her sisters Tantes room and grabbed herself towards her sister, in the darkness and we threw our arm around each other and together said war.It was only quintet hours after the Prime Ministers speech. ( Boom 78-80). In the completion, Paul Baumer and Corrie Ten Boom both got touch on in the war but in a different way. Paul Baumers view on the W orld War I quickly changed as he got more involve in the war, and his experience became abominable. The trench conditions that Paul and his comrades were nutriment in got worse I dart myself down and when I stand up the wall of the trench is plastered with heater splinters, lumps of flesh, and bits of uniform (Remarque 111).Pauls physical conditions live on worse and mentally it became a argufy Night again. We are deadened by the strain-a deadly tension that scrapes along ones spine like a gapped knife. Our legs refuse to move, our hands tremble, our bodies are thin skin stretched painfullywe apply neither flesh nor muscle and longitudinal (Remarque 111). As the war continued to go on Paul began to lose odourings for his comrades who he cared so much for in the beginning We soldiers consecrate lost feeling for one another. We brush aside hardly control ourselves.We are incognizant dead men through whatsoever dreadful trick are inactive able to run and kill (Remarque 11 6). The soldiers purport forthwith will forever be changed and will now be afraid of liveliness because of what they have seen at war I spang nothing of vivification but despair, death, and fear. (Remarque 263) Towards the end of the war, Pauls Baumers view on the war had completely changed We believe in such things but no longer do we believe in war (Remarque 88). Although Paul Baumer served, his country on the war front Corrie Ten Boom served her country by saving hundreds of Jews lives.Corrie came from a family who were members of a Dutch reformed Christian church, which protested national socialist persecution of Jews as an injustice to fellow human beings and an affront to divine authority Holocaust encyclopedia. Corrie Ten Boom believed that idol will lead her life and We will never know how God will answer our prayers, but we butt end expect that he will get us involved in his picture (Moore 38). During the war, Corrie Ten Boom became involved in resistance efforts t o hide the Jews.Family members would auspices young men sought by the Nazi, forced labor and assisted Jews in contacting persons will to hide them. Corrie Ten Boom decided to get involved with the effort to help hide the Jews in her family home in Haarlem, Netherlands. Corrie Ten Boom was able to hide the Jews by using her job as a watchmaker in her fathers shop as a care for and building contacts with resistance workers. The hiding range was located behind a nonsensical wall in her bedroom at the top of the house was an area astir(predicate) two feet wide and eight feet long.The entrance to the hiding place was accessible by crawling through a woody sliding panel at the choke of the linen cupboard that was built into a false wall. When the German police cope to Corries Ten booms house on February 28, 1944 they did not find those in hiding, the hiding place had kept its abstruse however, the Ten Boom family was arrested and taken to the Scheveningan prison. Corrie describe d her feelings as she was being lopsided into the van In my heart was a great sense of peace. I had long expected this catastrophe.Now the blow had fallenin my mind I kept intercourse myself Do not ever feel sorry for yourself (Moore 102). In September 1944 Corrie was deported to the Ravensbruek concentration camp in Germany until her come out in December 1944. After her emancipate in 1944, Corrie traveled to the States to tell her fascinating Story. Paul Baumer and Corrie Ten Boom both had roughly similar and different experience at the end of the war. For example, Paul describes the end of the war as The cause of death like cancer and tuberculosis, like influenza and dysentery.The deaths are merely more frequent, more varied, and detestable (Remarque 271). Paul Baulmer describes war as something were you see more death then you see survive. He admits that all war does is casue death, its like a sickness. Paul Baumers life will forever be changed. Corrie Ten Boom believed war was The deepest Hell that Man Can Crete (Moore 92) Both Paul Baumer and Corrie Ten Boom thought that war was a terrible and frightening event to go through. By the end of the novel Paul had become peace-loving with himself He Paul had fallen forward and limit on the earth as though sleeping. is face had an expression of calm, as though almost glad the end had come (Remarque 296). Corrie Ten Boom however, has to live on to tell her account statement about hiding the Jews and her survival in the concentration camps. She received an award for mention from the Yad Vashem Remembrance Authority as one of the righteous among nations for her resistance in Nazi persecution and helping others hide from the Gestapo and risking her own life. The tragedy of war is that it uses mans best to do mans crush Henry Fosdick.When is war justified? The apology of war is when the country gains something from the war. War is still a horrific and terrible thing, and the country is killing thousands a nd millions of innocent civilians lives to save others. War can have a permanent scar on a soldiers life and can change their lives forever. Going through the physical and mental pain of war just is not worth it. How can a country continue to go into war when theres mas and dads loosing a husband or wife, daughters and sons losing a mom or dad.A soldier having the dream to, see their son or daughter uprise up but not being able to because he or she shed his blood for his country.Bibliography Boom, Corrie Ten . The screen Place. N. p. n. p. , n. d. 78-80. Print. corrie ten boom. ushmm. holocaust encyclopedia, 4 May 2009. Web. 10 Feb. 2010. . Moore, Pam Rosewell. Life Lessons from Corrie Ten Boom. Grand rapids Chosen, n. d. Print. Remarque, Erich Maria. All soundless on the western front. New york The hit-or-miss house publishing group, 1929. Print quotations about war. quotations about war. N. p. , 9 Nov. 2009. Web. 14 Mar. 2010. .
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